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Dr. Kershman sits across from Harry with a huge smile on her face. Harry has just told her about his visit with his father. "I'm so proud of you Harry. Just look at the progress you're making and the speed of which you're making it... I'm lost for words." She sits her pad down because she has no intentions of using it right now. "Do you think it helped you in any way?"

Harry clears his throat. "Yes, actually. I do. He was the one I had to forgive for hurting me. He was the first part of the three steps you gave me."

Now she looks surprised. "Oh really? Well then... Have you forgiven yourself yet? That was the next step I gave you."

"I did it all." He says. "I forgave him, I forgave myself, then I apologized. And it worked. Zayn forgave me."

Her eyebrows raise. "Zayn was the person you hurt? How did you hurt him? You haven't dated yet, right?"

Harry pauses, forgetting it was never meant to come out that Zayn was the person he hurt. "Right... But we still saw each other at school... What I mean is that... I didn't show him I liked him the way I was supposed to. I didn't understand how to."

"And why do you think that's so?"

"Because of my... my father. He used to always tell me he loved me, but he still did those horrible things to me. And I think because of that, I never knew how to really love or even like someone properly. He fooled me Dr. Kershman. And now I'm lost. But I want to do it my own way and get back on track." He shrugs and sits up. "I really, really like Zayn. I just wish I could have done things better."

"So I get the feeling that you're finally ready to tell Zayn you like him."

Harry chuckles. "I really don't need to. He already knows I like him and I know he likes me back."

"How are you so sure?"

"We kissed."

"Oh, you've kissed? When?" She sees the way Harry can't stop grinning.

"Yesterday and today. That's two days in a row so I know it's going to work out. And I know I graduate soon, so I won't see him as much but I want to make it work. I think Zayn wants to too. You should see the way he looks at me. I didn't think a person could hurt someone so much and that person can still like the one who hurt them."

She smiles. But there's a troubled look in her eyes. "Harry... I'm a little worried. You keep mentioning how much you've hurt him. Are you sure everything is alright?"

"Mhm. Everything is fine."

"And he's really okay with whatever it is that you did?"

"Yeah. He told me it was okay. And I believe him. So if you're asking that question to try to change my mind doctor, it won't be changed."

She shakes her head. "No, no. I'm not trying to change your mind. I just want you to be careful. We don't want any setbacks. Disappointment can cause that."

"Yeah, I know. But I'm fine. I promise you I'm alright."

She grabs her clipboard again and a pen. "Alright. I trust you." But her tone of voice is skeptical. "Let's move on, shall we? Are you ready to write down how you feel? It's the beginning of the month."

Harry snickers. "Wasn't the only reason you made me start writing down how I felt in the first place because I never wanted to actually talk?"

She nods. "Yes, that was the reason."

"Well, I don't want to write them down anymore. I'm ready to talk now." Harry says.

Dr. Kershman tries to hold in her inner joy over this but it's so hard. She had been waiting on this day since his foster dad brought him in to see her for his first visit. She started to think it would never get to this point. She was wrong.

Without a second thought, she throws her clipboard off to the side and then runs over to him, embracing him in a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Harry. I don't think you even understand. I feel like I've watched you grow over this past year or so. You're an amazing kid. No matter what you think or what people tell you in your life, you are strong. Do you hear me? You are very strong. Remember that."

"Yes ma'am."

When she pulls away from him, she's smiling. But it's clear she's crying too. It's the first time Harry has ever seen her cry. Even though he knows she's human just like him, it's still weird to know his therapist cries.

She wipes her eyes and returns to her chair. "Now, are you ready to tell me how you feel?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then go ahead." She nods once. "Tell me how you feel. Don't be afraid to tell me everything."

And that's exactly what he does while she sits back, folds her arms and watches him, the whole time smiling from ear to ear.

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