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When Zayn gets home, his mother is nowhere to be found. He knows she doesn't have to work today, so he guesses she's probably just out and about, finding every reason not to be at home, per usual.

Some mother she is...

He shakes his head and locks the door behind him, then makes his way to his bedroom. He takes his backpack off and stands it up on the bed so he can open the pocket. He takes out the pair of handcuffs and the two keys and lays it all out on the bed. Next, he reaches in, grabs the camcorder and finds the power button to turn it on. After it makes a few noises, it shows the main screen.

It takes him a moment to figure out which button to press before he reaches the gallery. But it takes him an even longer moment to fathom what the words on the screen read.

There is no media to display

What the fuck?

"I thought..." Zayn mumbles and he scratches his head. He's confused.

He exits out of the gallery and presses the again to get back to it, hoping for something different. Again, it says the same thing.

There is no media to display

"NO!" Zayn screams out of frustration. "That jerk... I bet he moved these videos somewhere else! And I know he's waiting to use them against me!"

He slams the camcorder on his bed, and because it's just a mattress, it doesn't break or harm it. Zayn's intentions were to take this camcorder and delete the videos Harry had recorded before anyone else found them. Now that's ruined and he's going to need to bring the camcorder to the bridge tomorrow night.

I will get to the bottom of this tomorrow. Harry is going to pay for this. He won't get away.

He sits down on his bed, staring into space and by the time he actually starts to calm down, he realizes that he was so angry, he made himself overheat. So he rips off his T-shirt to reveal his bare chest and he tosses it nowhere in particular.

He takes the camcorder, the handcuffs-- which still somehow haven't closed yet-- along with the keys and throws it all back into the pocket of his backpack. He removes all his soccer attire and his books and just throws it all on the floor. He won't be needing them anymore. He had his last school day and his last soccer game on Friday.

After putting his backpack off to the side on the floor in front of his nightstand, he lays out in his bed. Today is his last 24 hour day. And so far, all he's been doing is spending it getting ready for his death.

Well... maybe that's technically not all he's been doing. His hand travels to his right manubrium, the space between his Adam's apple and his collarbone. Here is where Harry left a hickey today. He can't see it since he isn't in front of a mirror right now, but he is one thousand percent sure it's a deep reddish purple color. It happened when Harry's father had said he'd watch TV in his room to give them space. When Harry wasn't kissing him, he was sucking or biting on his skin there and he had spent a lot of time on it. It was as if this very spot was the only place Harry knew about. Zayn wondered if he had done it on purpose so as to create a "you're mine" mark.

But that's silly. I already have a "you're mine" mark. I've got Harry's name scarred on my leg. At least that's what Harry says it means... That I'm his and that I belong to him.

Zayn closes his eyes and he yarns so deeply he makes a noise. He doesn't know why he's sleepy when he's only been awake close to 4 hours and it's only a little after two oclock. But maybe this hard work at keeping the plan on track is making him tired. Maybe it's draining him.

I should probably sleep.

He turns over on his side and closes his eyes. He figures he might as well get all the sleep he can get today. He won't hardly be getting any tomorrow.

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