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Throughout the rest of the school day, Harry still continues to be bewildered by Zayn's strange behavior. And after school when the team is practicing on the soccer field, he keeps looking at Zayn and wondering why he seems so cheerful and joyful after he'd gone through something like that. He should not be like this. Harry knows from experience.

After they practice a few more free kicks, Coach ends practice and everyone goes back into the school for their shower. It's not long before he and his teammates are done and Harry's sitting on the bench, putting on his shoes and socks. He's already dried his hair very well with a towel.

"Do you think coach will go easy on us before our game on Friday?"

He looks up to see the blonde haired one looking down at him. "Never."

"Why does he make us practice so hard all the time? Those guys really aren't that good anyway. Not like us."

Harry chuckles. "And how do you figure that? They haven't lost yet."

"Neither have we. But the difference is, we have the best soccer captain in the whole damn nation."

Harry smiles a little. "Alright, what do you want?"

The blonde haired one looks around and waits until all of the players except a couple have left the locker room. "I just want to cheer you up is all. I noticed you've been sad all day and you didn't say anything at lunch either."


"So that's not like you. You're usually joking and laughing, teasing someone, anything. It's boring when you aren't yourself."

Harry doesn't know if he should take that as a good or bad thing. "Sorry, it's just been a long day. I haven't been feeling too good all morning. Maybe I'll be better tomorrow. I don't know."

"I hope so."


Harry sighs and the blonde one speaks again. "Well I have to get home to my family. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see ya."

When the blonde haired boy leaves, so does the remaining boy that was still here earlier. Harry finishes putting on his shoes and socks and then grabs his backpack. As soon as he throws it over his shoulder, he hears a voice. It's calling his name.


It causes him to set his backpack back down. "Zayn?"

"Is anybody else in here besides us?"

"No... I thought the last guy just left. I guess not."

"Then, can you lock the door and come here please?"

"Uh, sure." Harry locks the door and makes his way toward the back of the locker room. As he nears one of the stalls, Zayn comes out completely naked.

"Whoa Zayn. What are you doing?"

"Relax, the door is locked." When he stands directly in front of Harry, he turns around and reveals his backside. "See? All the marks are healed."

Harry takes a good look at his back and he can see where the two marks have healed into scars. It nearly makes him upset again, because it's nothing like the 'HARRY' mark he made. This is someone else's doing. It's ugly. "Yeah, I see it."

Zayn turns to him again and gives him a shy look. Harry thinks he looks adorable.

"Why are you naked?" He smiles as he looks him up and down.

"I don't know." He lies. "I just haven't got dressed yet. I probably should..."

"No, no worries. I don't hate it. I actually like seeing you naked." Harry reaches for his hand and pulls Zayn to him. Zayn is smiling because this is right where he wants Harry to want him to be.

If that makes any sense.

Zayn looks up at him and chuckles and Harry cups his chin. "You're beautiful when you smile like this. And I like it more because you're looking at me."

Zayn's not sure whether to throw up or smile because that was actually a romantic gesture. It just came from the wrong person. "Why haven't you kissed me yet?" He asks.


"I thought you were going to kiss me."

Harry is thrown off just like he was earlier in the morning. "I-- I what? No, I don't think I should, Zayn. Maybe we should go slow."

"Go slow? Why? You just admitted to me that you like me when I don't have any clothes on. I thought that would at least make you want to kiss me." He frowns, knowing he just admitted the real reason he's naked is to attract Harry to him.

"After everything that's just happened to you?"


"Are you sure? You really want me to kiss you?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I mean... it's not a big deal. I like your kisses." Of course he knows that's not true. He hates kissing Harry now. But if he's going to get on with his plan, he's got to first get Harry to think he willingly kisses him every time.

Harry thinks for a moment.

"Maybe just a quick one on the lips, okay?"

Zayn shrugs, but nods. A few seconds later, Harry's leaning down and kissing him quickly. "There. Satisfied?"


Now Harry looks like he's thinking. "Are you sure?"

"I guess so."

They stare at each other for a moment and Zayn puts a hand on Harry's chest to pull away. Harry would have let him leave, but he doesn't really want to let him go with just that. So he grabs him again and leans down to kiss him the way he's been itching to kiss him since he got him from up against the warehouse door: full and long, and with a lot of feeling and tongue.

When their lips do detach again, Harry wraps his arms around Zayn comfortingly so they're flesh against clothes and he kisses his cheek. "I missed you." He whispers. "I missed you a lot."

"Okay." Zayn replies dryly and he rolls his eyes now that Harry can't see. He refuses to say those words back. He's not going to stand here and tell him a another lie, when he knows fully well what's coming to Harry. He understands everything he's doing now is leading Harry on. But this is for a reason. It seems to be the only way. And now that stage one of his 8 part plan is halfway complete, Harry doesn't really need to see him naked anymore. "Harry I- I have to get dressed and walk home. So I really need to go."

"Oh right. Sorry... Am I gonna see you tomorrow?" Harry reluctantly let's him go and Zayn turns back into the stall for his clothes.

"Yeah, you'll see me tomorrow."

"And you won't disappear for two weeks?" He asks quietly.

"I won't."

"Promise? I want you to promise."

Zayn turns to look at him. He can't really read how sincere Harry is. Not anymore after all those times he's trusted him and been disappointed. "Promise."

HOLLOW » Zarry ✔⚠Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang