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Zayn walks up the pathway to his home, and finds a package sitting at his front door. He already knows what it is. And since the box hasn't been disturbed, he knows his mother hasn't been home to see that he's even ordered this yet, which is what he anticipated in the first place.

When he finally gets into the house and takes his backpack off, he sits the box on his bed and uses a pair of scissors to cut the tape away. When it's open, he sees it's in bubble wrap so he takes it out. Not much to his surprise, the knife is in a small brown sheath. Zayn can care less about it being protected but it's nice to have that for carrying purposes. He decides he's going to use it this Sunday.

Might as well...

He takes the knife from the sheath and pulls back the sheets and covers on his on his bed until his mattress shows. He takes it by the handle and presses the blade into the mattress. After it pierces a little, he drags the knife toward his body just to see how well it can cut.

Turns out, 'well' isn't the right word for it. This knife cuts perfectly. It's a perfect slit stretching about six inches long and the edges of it are nice and clean. At this point, he knows he definitely picked the right one for what he wants to use it for.

After making a couple more slits for fun, he arranges his sheets back the way they belong and puts the knife back in the sheath. He decides to hide it in the box and underneath his bed, that way he remembers where he put it when it's time to take it back out. Not that he'll forget something like that anyway. It just makes it easier to get to.

"I can't believe it... I can't believe you're actually going to do it." Zayn says to himself as he lays back on his bed.

It's still hard for him to fathom that he is about to make Harry pay for everything he ever did to hurt him. But as hard as it is, he's not even close to wanting to back down now. All he has to remember is that so much of this is Harry's fault. All the things that have happened to him, are because Harry wanted them to happen to him. The way he suffered, the way he cried, the way he feared him... That was caused by Harry. And each time he relives those memories, anger boils in his blood.

Now it is time for Harry to feel those same things. It's his turn to suffer in fear. And whatever Zayn has to do to make sure that happens, he will do it.

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