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It's Monday.

A week and a half later.

Harry hasn't seen Zayn since that night he bathed him and put him to bed. At first he was having mixed feelings about seeing Zayn because he didn't know if he really wanted to see him at school grimacing from the pain. But now after having not seen him for this long, he is sure he wants to see him. At least to make sure he's doing okay...

Harry jumps when he hears a screeching whistle in his ear. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Get out of La La Land, Styles. You can always dream about her on your own time. You're on my time now."

"Oh, I'm sorry Coach. W-what am I supposed to be doing?"

"What do you mean 'what am I supposed to be doing'? Can't you see the rest of the team has started their lap around the field?"

"Oh, right. I'm sorry I-"

"Move it!" Harry jumps again, but starts his lap. His mind can't help but wander back to Zayn though, as he passes the soccer net and speeds up to catch up with his three friends.

HOLLOW » Zarry ✔⚠जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें