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The next day is Friday and Zayn is sure he's got tests to take in school. So he does get up and go. He hardly got any sleep last night-- as it's been since New Years-- so he's dragging around school, eyes barely open and he can't think straight. He's not sure if he passed those tests or not.

By lunch time, he feels a bit annoyed. Not with anyone else though. He feels annoyed with himself. And there are many reasons he's keeping inside that's causing him to feel that way.

He makes his way to the cafeteria and as he is about ready to step through the doors, someone grabs his arm. He turns around to see it's no one other than

"Harry." He whispers.

"Surprised to see me, huh?"

Zayn doesn't answer as Harry yanks him and starts dragging him down the hallway and out of sight. He keeps pulling him until they're in the locker room, then locks the door behind them.

Zayn hates this place. Gosh, he hates it with everything he has. Just the thought of losing his virginity here makes him so disappointed in himself; makes him feel like dirt. It makes him feel nasty. Like he's a prostitute that'll sleep anywhere, with anyone. Zayn's not that at all.

I'm not that at all, right?

"Why didn't you come to school yesterday?" Zayn is pulled out of his thoughts to see Harry taking his backpack off and setting it on the ground. "I, I, um, I-"

"Because you were sick? And I suggest that be your answer or you'll piss me off."

"Yeah... I was sick." He lies as he also takes off his backpack. Anything not to piss Harry off.

"Well... I would've taken you to my house to do this yesterday but you weren't here. I probably would have done it today too but I've got an important place to be with my dad this evening and I can't wait. I'm eager to see how it looks." He smiles so brightly and points to one of the benches. "Go on. Stand over there. I need to see your mark."

Zayn actually has relief come over him then, because Harry won't be doing anything unwanted to him after school today.

A break. Thank you.

He slowly walks over to the bench and stands in front of it. Harry follows.

As Harry gets on his knees, he notices how tense Zayn is and he immediately tries to calm him. "No, don't be scared. Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you today. I just want to see. That's all."

He brings his fingertips to Zayn's belt and undoes it somewhat quickly. Once it's loosened and his pants are unbuttoned and unzipped, he gently pulls down his pants to his ankles being sure not to scrape against his cuts.

Zayn comes to the conclusion that it's a good thing Harry locked that door from the inside or someone could walk in at anytime and see this. How embarrassing that would be.

"It looks good Zayn. I love it a lot." Harry beams and he kisses it, making Zayn hiss a little. "Now that you have this, do you know what it means?"

"No." And to be frank, Zayn doesn't want to know. But Harry tells him anyway and he does so between giggles.

"It means you're mine. It means you do what I say because my name is on you and you are my property now. Even when it heals, it means you still belong to me and I still have control over you."

Harry has gone into full laughter now. He is literally doubling over, giggling so hard that he sounds like a little kid being constantly tickled. It confuses Zayn.

"Can you believe it?" he asks. "A stupid name gives me control over you." More laughter. Since when was something like this this funny?

"A stupid name." He repeats and he buries his head in Zayn's unscarred leg.

Zayn is afraid to touch him though. He's afraid Harry will get angry at him and it might not end right for him. He just wants to get out of this locker room without getting hurt again. That's all.

However, as he continues to look down, he sees Harry's shoulders are quickly vibrating up and down. Something about it isn't very right. It doesn't seem much like laughing anymore. "Harry..." His voice is soft, cautious, weary.

When he looks up, Zayn gasps and stumbles backward onto the bench in total shock. How has Harry gone from laughing hysterically to crying? What's going on?

"I guess you're good, Zayn." He mumbles. "You're good. You can leave now."

"Are- are you sure Harry? I don't want you to get angry-"

"Go!" He yells and he backs away from Zayn, sitting on the heels of his feet. He's still crying but he looks sort of dazed. He's not looking at anything. Just out into space and he doesn't seem to be interested in facing Zayn anytime soon.

So Zayn stands, adjusts his clothes and tightens his belt. He tries to not even look at Harry as he grabs his backpack and heads out of the door.

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