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Harry loves the way Zayn bites his lip and unnecessarily pushes his glasses up on his face. It's cute. And Zayn's not trying to do that on purpose at all. It's just that Trigonometry is not easy, so he's really focusing on this problem that he's just now come across. After all, he is teaching himself how to do this since he doesn't actually take this math class until next year.

Unknowingly though, Harry has spent the last few minutes debating whether or not he should stop sitting in the chair at his desk and staring at Zayn or if he should get up and go over to him. Well actually, he should probably turn away and calm down so temptation doesn't get the best of him. But he finds that so hard to do. Zayn keeps running his tongue over his bottom lip so seductively and tapping the pencil at his jaw and that, accompanied with the way he looks in those glasses...


So Harry just stands up and walks right on over to him.

Immediately, after feeling his presence, Zayn stiffens and looks up to see Harry standing directly in front of him. He'll never forget what happened last time he was here "helping" Harry with his homework and the possibility of that happening again weighs heavy on his mind to the point that he's actually preparing for it.

But it doesn't happen.

This time is different. Harry gently takes the book from Zayn and he lightly closes it, sitting it off to the side. Then he balances himself up on his fists which are pressed against the bed on each side of Zayn's thighs. He's leaning down looking at Zayn, not feeling any anger at all that Zayn's eyes don't seem terrified. They're a bit cautious, but that's it. And Harry doesn't ask for anything more for his entertainment as he usually does.

He leans his forehead against Zayn's forehead, giving himself time to stop his shaky breath and for Zayn to catch his. This little pause is needed too, because he's sure Zayn's blood is rushing through his body at a million miles per minute. Because right now his blood is doing that and his arms and cheeks feel hot too.

It takes a whole lot of concentration on Harry's part to finally calm down and when he does, everything seems to stop. Even Zayn doesn't sound like he's breathing anymore.

Neither has ever had this happen before. So it leaves them lost and confused. Especially Zayn because, again, Harry's forehead is pressed up against his and wait... Harry's leaning in.

No more than a couple of seconds later, Harry makes the first move and smashes his lips onto Zayn's not forcefully, but just enough. There's no movement though. It's just their lips pressed together awkwardly and so uncomfortably.

This is weird. Zayn thinks. Something has to change. So he kisses back.

For the first time since the first time, Zayn kisses back and Harry likes the decision he made. As for Zayn, it's nice to have Harry finally using his mouth to explore a place on his body other than that of Zayn using his on Harry. Finally something different for a change... And as crazy as it might sound, he actually likes Harry's tongue swirling inside and around his mouth. It feels good. Magical. And he gets this tingly feeling in his fingertips.

This goes on for about another minute, perfect snogging basically, and Harry finally stops to kiss Zayn's neck, jawline and ears in a repetitive, almost caring and loving way. Harry's eyes close as if he's savoring the moment, and he actually chuckles a bit when Zayn moans and strains his neck wanting more. So he gives himself permission to bite and suck at the skin for a short while.

And short actually means short too. He doesn't go beyond that. He stops when two red marks start to become visible and he gives Zayn's lips one last kiss. Afterwards, he stands up straight, puts the book back in Zayn's lap and walks back to where he was as if what they'd just done was the way they had always done things. As if Harry was always gentle and not overly demanding and controlling with him.

"I'll take you home, when you're finished with that." Harry simply says.

Zayn opens the book back up with a nod, and now he can't concentrate anymore.

What just happened between us? He thinks. Did he really come over here just to kiss me?


And he's not going to touch me today?


At all?

No, Zayn.

That's when a small smile appears on his face. It's really the first time he's smiled since... well it's the first time in a long time and he can't even remember the last time he smiled. He glances up to see Harry carving something into his wooden desk with some kind of broken metal piece obviously still thinking about those kisses too. He's not smiling like Zayn but he's not angry either. He's calm. Which leads Zayn to believe that Harry was totally okay with it and that he knew what he was doing. So he has nothing to worry about.

He turns his attention away from Harry and then back to the book. He pinches himself to make sure it's real.



Definitely real.


And now Zayn can't wipe the huge grin off his face as he rubs the marks Harry left.

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