(Sad End) Out of Your Life

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"T-Toma...You're scaring me..." I stutter, stepping backwards.

Toma came closer, the look in his eyes were terrifying. He's never looked like this before. Its.Its as if hes someone else.

I have to go. I have to run. Maybe Shin will help!

I push him away, to much as his surprise, and tail it out of there. I may have liked him. But I'm scared of him. Afraid. I don't think I love him anymore.

What happened to my 'Big Brother?'

When I ran out of the door, the pain in my leg returned. It stung badly. I then began to limp. I worriedly look behind me and notice Toma isn't running after me. But then I bump into someone.

"Ari?!" gasps someone.

I look up and spot purple and reddish eyes look at me.

"SHIN!" I yelp, hugging him.

Shin pulled him away from me then looks at my leg and arm. He notices my injures.

"Ho..How did this happen?" He asks looking at me.

He thought for a moment before genuine hate came on to his face.

"Toma. He did this didn't he?!"

I wanted to say something but didn't. Shin took that as a yes. Before I could so much as look back, Shin yanks me away with him.

"Damn Toma!" He curses.

I look up at him. Tears stinging the corners of my eyes.

"It'll be ok" Mummers Orion.

I nod.


I look out of the door. She ran away from me. She left me. I...Ive lost her. I stutter backwards before collapsing by the nearby bed. I recalled something.


I seen Ari look at me from the cage.

"I promise. Stay here for a while, then you can go. Go with Shin. Then I promise. Ill get out of your life..." I promised


Sadness hit me like a bat. It threw me hard.

"Ive lost her. I could never forget about her."

I look up, pulling fingers through my hair till they hit the headband. I look down at my jacket and read the words.

"Non potrei vivere senza di ti..."

I laugh darkly.

"I could not live without you."

Sitting there in silence I got up. My hair messier than before. I walk out, with the intention of never returning.

"Hehe...I promised I said id go." I whisper. "You're brother would never lie to you..."

See. She doesn't love you. She left you. She HATES you.


Its been 3 days. I'm happy that Shin stayed with me. He sorted out with Ikki the problems with the girls. Life's been ok. Orion left me since most of my memories returned.

I walk past a house. A wave of nolgastic memories flooded back. This was Toma's apartment. I feel my heart wrench. He abandoned it.

"I wonder where he went.."

I look up at the sky, putting my hand to my forehead.

'I wonder if hes happy where ever he is, and if he is looking up at the sky like I am.'  I think.

Then with a smile, I set off. To start all over again.

Author Note: I'm still not good at the sad endings eh. Oh well. Next is the creepy/ bad ending. 

WARNING: Next ending involves a yandere Toma.

Maybe Ill do a fanfic of Tsubaki. Meh~

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