0) The Start

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I held it in all these years. I don't know what made me fall in love with her, but seeing her with him makes my heart twist. I felt numb. Jealous.Envious. But now whenever a threat to Ari appears, I lose it. Its as if something in my head controls me. Until I give in. Give in to my other self.


I looked at Ari who talked to Ikki. My face looked calm, but inside I was boiling. I strode up to her and Ikki, and ignored the waitresses and customers who passed me . Then the next thing I knew I held Ari's hand.

"Sorry Ikki, but I need to talk to her."

Then with a gasp from Ari, and Ikki giving me a puzzled expression I pulled her through the back door.

"T-toma?" Ari asked, her eyes confused.

The grief in my heart grew. Silently I cursed Ikki, for making her love him. I look up and noticed Ari's emerald green eyes was were observing me. I snapped out of it.

"I'm sorry for making you take some work days off..." I said softly, genuinely feeling sorry.

I never asked her opinion. I felt guilty. But I didn't notice that on the top balcony, a flowerpot was slowly being pushed towards the edge. That the person doing it had an really evil intention.

"No its ok T-" Ari began, but was cut off by a sudden smash.

Everything happened in slow-motion for me. My heart raced as I looked at the flowerpot, which came crashing down then smashed on the ground, which just missed Ari. Ari fell backwards, and what lay before her was a shattered flowerpot. The anger inside me welled up, and when I glanced up seeing someone run away, the rage flowed out.

"Oi! WAIT THERE!" I yelled, my enraged voice echoing around the alley.

I ran. I headed around the edge and dashed up the steel stairs. Whoever did that. I wont... I wont let anyone hurt her. No one. But by the time I reached the balcony there was no trace of whoever was there. I sighed in frustration, slapped my hand on my forehead. When I began walking to the balcony outside I saw Ari. Sitting there. Alone. Scared. I have to protect her.

I rushed down and outside and quickly appeared before Ari. I saw the fear on her face. Her eyes were afraid. It made my heart swell with pain. I promised I'd protect her, but here she is, terrified. I crouch down and hug her. She gasped by the sudden hug, but gave in. I felt her tremble. I looked over her shoulder, seeing the shattered remains of the flowerpot. It could have killed her. I was in deep thought as a overwhelming force made its way into my mind.

Take her with you. To protect her, you don't want her killed.

I Succumbed to the thought, I took a deep breath in. I released my hug,  stood up, holding her hand. As we gradually walked out of the alleyway. I felt a something holding onto my arm. I realized it was Ari. It reminded me of our childhood. My head hurt as I knew that we'd never be like that again. I missed those times. I can only treasure them. Those precious memories.


I don't know where Toma was taking me. He was looking at me with the same caring expression. But something felt off. It's as if he was hiding something. But I don't know what. I didn't know where we were going. I glanced around the area we were in. A pathway. But out of nowhere memories flooded in. He's been taking me to his apartment. I don't know why I was still following him. But I felt comfortable with him.

"Ari, why don't you go back to you home?" Orion murmured, hovering around me as he usually did.

I smiled faintly, looking at his cute face.

"I know that there is a diary there, but I feel as if I need to go with Toma."

Orion sighed, he folded his arm he looked at me with a complicated expression. He sometimes questioned me, but for a good reason. Orion is my best friend. Without him, I don't know how I could survive. This little fairy like human helped me.

As I was lost in thought I realized we arrived at Toma's apartment. He opened the door which allowed me to walk in first. As I walked in a took a quick look at Toma's face. For some reason he looks, lonely. Hurt. For some reason my heart has been beating quickly. I felt a faint blush on my cheeks. 

Toma strides in front of me.

"Sorry for suddenly taking you to my house. I thought it would be dangerous for you to be on your own." He explained.

I smile knowing he cares for me so much. I don't know why but when he talks to me my heart flutters. I enjoy being with him.

"Its late now, I think you should go to sleep." He yawned, as he chucked some spare clothes from his cupboard.

It was a baggy jumper. It felt soft. With a hood and a grey base.

"Ill sleep on the sofa, but before sleep do you want anything? I'm planning to go to the shop nearby" He asked.

I shook my head. He smiled in response, he quickly walked out of the door. I can't ask anything else from Toma. With a new found determination I walked out the same door.

After 5 minutes I walked out of the shop. I noticed it was dark, and hard to see. Beyond me was a street, and it was creepily empty. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

I walked through it, the lamps around me flickered. eventually I heard something in front of me.  Then slowly a tall figure approached. Was it Toma? 

"Hey~" A low voice greeted me.

I looked and squinted my eyes. It wasn't Toma. But this person has long green hair and for some reason. The expression he has. Was petrifying...

Authors Note: Oh no not another fanfiction! This one is replacing the one from episode 10, since I thought my other one was too short. If your wondering where this started its starting from episode 8. I haven't gotten to the shopping mall part yet. Whoops. Anyway I hope you like it :D The sudden idea popped into my head. And no Toma does not have a split personality like Ukyo. The thoughts that appear are his thoughts as his yandere self. As its a totally different side of him. Hey nobody's perfect. Still love him >///<

and to JaiBrooks_69 (I think I got that right) I gave you a dedication. Why? Well thats a Himitsu :'P

TomaXHeroine Fanfiction: Love or Hate?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora