2) Hidden Feelings

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I looked up. I wondered why Ari was late. I Glanced around then I noticed a girl that dashed off with 2 other girls. It was then I realized. 

"Those girls...?"

Before I knew it I was up on my feet, I rushed towards the drink dispenser. I stopped in my tracks by Ari. She held something on her strawberry blond hair. I looked down and notice some hair that looks like hers.

"You..." I began, "That hair?"

Ari looked down at the floor. She tried to avoid my gaze. It was hers wasn't it. Why? Why does this always happen?! Silent rage engulfed me inside.

See. It happened again, because you let her out of you sight.

In a flat tone I mustered up a voice that said,

"Lets go."



I see how much Toma cared for me. It warmed my heart.

"Good news is we can cover it up." He said.

I show a faint smile in response. But Toma doesn't look happy one bit.

"But that doesn't make it okay...I feel bad for you." He whispered.

I looked at him with a baffled expression. That moment he stood up.

"Its probably better if you don't go outside for awhile. Its dangerous."

I only looked at him, looked in his gold, greenish eyes that I loved.

"Ill never forgive them. I couldn't stop them today but I wont let them do it again..."

I stared at Toma, unable to recognize what he had muttered.

"No matter what happens Ill protect you..."

I looked closer at Toma and notice his eyes were ...fiercer. He seemed more violent. Protective...

"Toma?" I said and sent him a questioned glance.

Toma blinked then looks at me. He smiled again as usual. Next he replied,

"Ahh sorry."

I closed my eyes and thought for a while. Whenever Toma helped me or held me, my heart pounded.  It felt like I belong with him.

"Neee~ Ari, Toma's going." Orion sneakily whispered.

I opened my eyes and spot Toma by the door. He turned around as soon as I appeared next to him.

"Stay here and be good. Don't go outside, okay?"

"Okay" I whispered back.

The memory of the 3 girls rushed back. Those 3 girls. I think they were Ikki's fans. Suddenly I remembered. Toma was gone. I remembered that Ikki wanted to meet me today. I want to listen to Toma, the last thing I want to do is make him angry. But...maybe if I ask Ikki ill find something out. I snatched my phone out of my pocket and call Ikki. The phone rung for awhile, but then it disconnected. I looked at my phone, slightly annoyed. Maybe he was busy?

I was filled with new found determination. I cant make Toma worry anymore. I have to do something. With that thought in mind I walked out of the door, but 5 seconds outside I stop. Toma walked towards me, as he had put something away. Then looked at me. He looked different.

"What are you doing?" He spoke lowly.

"U-umm" I stuttered. I tried to avoid his gaze but for some reason I couldn't.

"Its Ikki right? You plan to meet up with him in the back alley."

I stared at him. I was lost for words. How did he know?

"Y-yes. That's right..."

As soon as I said that Toma sighed. But not just a sigh, he sounded really angry.

"Enough. Lets go inside."

Then before I knew it I was pulled back inside.



I closed the door and looked at Ari, who stared at the floorboards, her body directed towards the door. I stood in front of it and placed my hand on the wall. 

"If you go out walking by yourself like that, do you think nothing was going to happen? You could let me know. You couldn't do that either? They may do more than just cut you hair, you could really get hurt! Why don't you listen to me? Why do you still go outside despite the risk?"

I know I overdid it but its as if somethings willed me to say that.

"I-Its because I wanted to ask Ikki something" She replied, as she clutched her bag and looked back at me.

My fingers scraped the walls. I didn't expect that reply. No. More like I didn't want to hear it. I felt jealousy burst into me.

"What...?" I croak. I felt my expression grow slightly darker.

"Sorry"  she spluttered.

I looked down, a forlorn look on my face.

"So in the end no matter how hard I try to stop you, your going to leave me in the end...? No matter what I say, you'd rather be with..."

"T-toma umm."

"Don't." I cut her off.

My hair covered my eyes. I didn't even know how my face looked. Sad? Angry? Lonesome?

"Give me some time to calm down, until then don't talk to me. Please." I breathed

I walked up to the bed and sat on it. Like a told off kitten Ari trotted over and sat close but not too close. I loved her for this. Her cute personality. I really liked her...

She needs to be protected. What happens if someone breaks her?

"Ari." I say, then patted the space beside me.

She nodded, and came next to me. I heard the bed squeak. I knew she's was with me, which me made me happy.

She doesn't love you. You'll never have her.

That thought alone, haunted me.

Authors Note: eyyyah I'm sorry for my terrible writing ;_; I love writing this though >////< This pair is really my favourite. I've never been so hyper about a pair >///////< I guess I'm a sucker for childhood friend themes :3

 Also to BlueberryNinja101 , thanks for being a friendly reader and for being a fellow amnesia fan (>3<)

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