"Well, Connor hasn't seen much. We could show you some stuff around here. There's a small city that's about 30 minutes away. That's where the bowling alley is. We could just do stuff around there" I suggest, turning to face Connor. Tyler nods in agreement and so does Connor.

"Yea! Sounds fun. I've been wanting to see what's around here so this is perfect" he says and I smile.

I turn the radio up and switch the stations until I hear a song that's decent. Tyler is the first to start singing and then Connor joins in. I just sit in silence, smiling and laughing at them singing, occasionally off key, but having a good time anyways.

"Come on, Troye. Why don't you join us" Tyler says causing me to glare at him.

"Tyler" I say, warning him to not take this any farther. He knows how I feel about singing in front of people.

"Fine. Sorry" he says and focuses on the road. He knows I'm not mad at him and I know he's not mad at me. We never get mad at each other. When we do its just for a day, at most. Other times it's just a few minutes and then we're back to normal.

"Why won't you sing?" Connor asks. I can't get mad at him for asking. He doesn't know.

"I don't know. I just have this weird thing about not wanting to sing in front of people. I'm afraid they'll make fun of me. Or that I'm not good enough" I say looking down. Connor grabs my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly.

"I'm sure you're great" he says and I blush. I look out the window to try to hide it but I know they've already seen. I smile and shake my head and Connor laughs causing me to laugh and then Tyler. And we're back to normal again. The rest of the car ride we all make easy conversation and joke around with each other about stupid stuff.

We finally pull into town about twenty five minutes later and I look over at Connor. He's looking out the window, checking out the new place and smiling.

"It's small but it looks like it has everything a person needs to me" he says and Tyler and I laugh.

"Yea. It's not that big but it's close enough. They have a mall, a Walmart, and a Taco Bell. What more could you ask for?" I say and Connor laughs. There's more than just that of course but that's not important.

"Sounds perfect" he says and looks back out the window, smiling.

"So, where do you guys want to eat?" Tyler asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know what all is around here. So oh guys choose. I'm not a very picky eater" Connor says.

"There is this place by the mall we could go. They have really good hot wings" Tyler says and I nod. I really like that place.

"They have a little bit of everything. So if you don't know what you're in the mood for that's a good place to go" I say and Tyler nods.

"Sounds good to me. And then we could go walk around the mall for a while if you guys want to?" Connor says and I nod.

"Sounds perfect"

"I'm always up for the mall" Tyler says and I laugh. He isn't lying. It could be 2 o'clock in the morning, but ask Tyler if he wants to go to the mall and he's up and ready to go in five minutes.

We reach the mall and walk into the restaurant. Connor looks around at how they have the place decorated. They have random stuff hanging all over the walls which is another reason I like this place. It makes no sense.

"This is cool" Connor says and Tyler and I nod.

"I like it" Tyler and I say at the same time and then laugh.

A waitress shows us to our table and asks us what we want to drink. After we tell her we look through the menus to see what we want and make small conversation. The waitress comes back with our drinks and takes our orders.

"Why are there random crayons on the table" Connor ask and I look over to where he's talking about. There is a small cup of crayons sitting there as usual and I grab them. I take one out and begin to color on the table.

"Instead of those coloring sheets for kids they just put paper on all the tables for them to color on" I say, writing out my name in blue. Tyler takes a purple and Connor takes a red. We all begin coloring and get a little carried away. Before the waitress comes back with our food, the whole table is full of color.

"I like this place" Connor says and I smile.

"Well I'm glad you like it" Tyler says. The waitress brings out food and we dig in. Connor moans as he takes his first bite and I laugh.

"This is so good" he says and takes another bite. We eat in silence. After we all finish we argue over who is paying and I eventually win. It's not that much anyways.

"Now let's go have fun" Tyler says as we walk into the mall.

A/N hey guys!! I don't really have anything to say. That's a first. Well. Thanks for reading! I love you guys and I hope you are all having a frantastic day/night. Whatever it is. Bye!!!!!

A/N #2 hey guys *cringes* sorry about not updating yesterday. Blame Brendon Urie and my band director. But I'm updating today from my best friends phone so all is good with the world! I'll try to update Tuesday if I have my phone back but if not I'll just try to do this again. Love you guys!! Hope you're having an amazing day!!!

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