Chapter Five

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**Picture of Alec on the side**

Chapter Five

I looked around frantically. He had only left a few minutes ago. He couldn’t have gone far. Alec and Rose were looking at me like I had lost my mind. I could see them opening their minds, speaking, but no words were coming out. I couldn’t believe that I had actually let my guard down long enough for him to steal the necklace.

I kept peering around the club hoping and praying that I would get a glance of him. Luck must have been on my side, because when I looked towards one of the backdoors of the club I saw it open viewing the familiar sight of a leather jacket. Only people who were really watchful like gang members would notice something like that at the back of the club.

 I shot out of my seat and bee-lined it to the rusty old back door. It always made this loud creaking sound if it was even remotely cracked open. Everyone was still caught up in the atmosphere of the club. No one would notice anyone going out of it unless it was completely silent.

I pushed once more through the crowd of dancing bodies and stepped outside of the club. I could see his shadow in front of me. Every once in a while he would look behind him checking to see if anyone was trailing him. I was thankful for his tall advantage over me. My shadow hid within his perfectly.

He kept walking until he got to the dark alley that I had noticed when Rose, Alec, and I had first arrived at the club. There was a dark spot and that’s where I stopped to see what he would do next. I hadn’t noticed a car or anything, so he must was going to just wait here until someone came to pick him and the stolen necklace up.

I felt my phone vibrate, but I didn’t dare take it out for fear of being caught. I could still see the faint outline of Isaiah in the shadows. He was leaning against the wall. All of a sudden I heard a phone go off. I sucked in a breath. I was so glad that I had actually remembered to turn the ringer off on my phone. I watched curiously as Isaiah took out his phone. With the small amount of light on his face, I could tell that he had a slight frown on his face before sighing and pressing the accept button.

“Jamerson.” He answered.

I raised an eyebrow. He answered the phone with his last name out in the open. I would never do that. Anyone could suspect something if your last name got out. Unless it was one of my friends, I never answered calls with my last name. It was way too careless. I continued to listen to the conversation.

“Yeah, I have the necklace. I still don’t understand why I had to get it in the first place. What good will it do for us if we have it?”

I tried to rack my brain to think of a reason why he or anyone he knew needed the necklace in the first place. It’s not like a client of his was asking for it. How did he even know where we were going to be exchanging the necklace at? I knew that Dan wouldn’t have ratted out the location. He had been a loyal person this entire time. Why would he back stab us now? I made a mental note to myself to make sure I asked Dad a little more about Dan.

Isaiah interrupted my thoughts. “Fifteen minutes? Alright, you know where I’ll be.” I saw him remove the phone away from his ear and press end call. He once again let out another sigh running his hand through his hair.

Fifteen minutes was enough to get the necklace back and escape out of this alley before any of his members came to help him. I stayed in the shadows as I spoke.

“I believe you have something of mine or should I say Los Suenos. I suggest you give it back.” I stated.

I watched as his head snapped up. He muttered a curse to himself probably for being so careless about not noticing that someone was actually following his trail. Heck, I would have cursed myself too. He had made a dumb mistake and he couldn’t blame anyone but himself.

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