Chapter Four

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**Picture of Dan to the side && Feel free to play the song on the side whenever it mentions the Weeknd's song, Wicked Games. In my opinion, it'll make the scene in a way more sensual. Idk! Completely up you!** 

Chapter Four

            My stomach did an unexpected flip. The Isaiah Jamerson? He couldn’t look that good could he? I guess so because even though people were curious as to what the fight was about that didn’t stop the numerous amounts of chicks’ ogling eyes continue to check him out in his white t-shirt, leather jacket, and dark denim jeans. I couldn’t believe that even I was staring. I needed to snap out of this.

            I looked back over at the scene before me. I must have zoned out for a while because the guy that had gotten angry was storming away from the bar and towards the dance floor. I looked around once more for Isaiah, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. I turned my attention back to Dan once again. He was studying my face but didn’t say anything when I questioned his stare with a raised eyebrow.

“So do you have the necklace or not?” I asked impatiently. I was tired of messing around with Dan. Now that I had seen Isaiah for some weird reason I was more interested in learning a little bit more information about the Ravens.

Dan held out his hands in surrender. “Calm down I have the necklace. Here, turn around for a minute will ya?”

Before I did as he asked, I pulled out a fake tube of lipstick that really held a few mini diamonds. I placed it on the table and waited for Dan to get started. Dan always preferred diamonds instead of cash. He was weird like that. Pretty soon I felt him raising my hair up and place something on my neck. I looked down and noticed that the gold necklace was now hanging down from around my neck.

I turned back around to face Dan, but he was gone. I shook my head he always did like to make a dramatic exit. I looked around the table for the tube of lipstick that I had shown him, but I guess he’d already taken it. The sly dog. I looked out towards the dance floor and noticed that Rose and Alec were now dancing and looking like they were having a wonderful time.

I looked to my lap. I guess I would just wait for them to come back over to where I was. I placed my head on the table. Pretty soon, I felt a presence beside me.

“Dan, I thought you had already left.” I stated.

“Dan? Is this a boyfriend that I should know about?” A voice asked curiously.

            My head snapped up at the heart stopping deep voice. It was rich and velvety. I could get lost in that voice. I tore my gaze away from the luscious lips that the words passed through and focused my attention on his entire face.

Isaiah Jamerson?

I shook my head waiting on words. Finally, they came. “No, there isn’t a boyfriend that you should know about.”

            He smirked which made my heart flutter. “Good. Now answer this question for me will you doll? What’s a pretty little thing like you doing here all by yourself?”

“I’m here with some friends of mine.”

“And where exactly are those friends?”

“They’re out on the dance floor at the moment.” I stated nodding my head to the dance floor.

“Would you like to go join them?” He asked raising an eyebrow at me. The look in his eyes was daring me to say no to him. So, I did.

“No thanks. I was just about to get them so we could leave.” I lied. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said standing up and starting to make my way to where Alec and Rose were, “I’m going to go get them. It was really nice to meet you…” I trailed off acting as if I didn’t know his name.

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