Chapter Two

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**Picture of Rose on the side**

Chapter Two

            I was lying down in bed when there was a knock on the door. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand to glance at the time. It read 5:00p.m. I sighed really needing to get out of bed. I had this nagging feeling in my gut that was telling me that something was going to happen today. The person who was at the door knocked again breaking me out of the trance I had fallen in.

            Readjusting myself on the bed I called out to the person who’d been knocking, “Come in.”

            The door opened and my best friend Alec poked his head in. Well the person at my door looked like my best friend. The guy in front of me who usually had his cropped brown hair styled to perfection now had his hair sticking up in all directions. My eyes roamed over his face and I was struggling to withhold my laughter.

 There was a pair of oversized glasses on his face making him look like a horsefly. Red lipstick was smeared over his lips and I think I detected a hint of blush running alone his cheek bones. He scowled.

            “Will you just laugh already?” He stepped inside my purple and gold covered room. “I can see your shoulders shaking.”

I let out a chuckle. “If I laugh, I don’t even think I’ll be able to stop.”

            He scoffed, “Yeah well your other best friend also known as, the culprit who did this to me, sure didn’t mind laughing. That’s why I like you better you know.”

            My door opened once more and the culprit herself walked in eating one of my granola bars. I mentally rolled my eyes. I can’t keep any type of food stored with this girl around.

“There she is, Rose, the devil herself.” Alec retorted while plopping down face up on my bed.

Rose smacked him making her bleach blonde curls bounce around. Her dark brown eyes narrowed on Alec. “You lost the bet get over it. Just be glad that I took it easy on you.”

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at Alec’s appearance. “You call that easy?”

“Yup.” Rose replied popping the p.

“So can I take this off now?” Alec asked while stealing a piece of the granola bar.

Rose smirked. “Nope you got a couple of more hours to wear this.”

“What was the bet even about?” I asked curiously.

“You don’t even want to know.” Alec groaned.

            I chuckled. I was so glad that today was a Saturday. I was listening to Alec and Rose bicker whenever my phone buzzed from a text message. I grabbed it and opened up the message. It was from Dan.

            Dan has been Los Suenos’ supplier for a very long time, ever since my Dad had been in charge. He was about four years older than me. This made him twenty-one to my seventeen. I would sometimes send out specific orders to him and he would always find a way to get the items and deliver them to me. I remembered when I first met Dan. He hadn’t looked like a supplier at all.

He’d had on nerd glasses and even had the nerve to have on a pair of suspenders with his outfit. When I first met him I had busted out laughing and just looked at Dad like really. Dad chuckled and had told me that Dan was tougher than he looked. I sucked in my laughter and smiled at Dan giving him a chance.

We’d been best friends ever since. Even though I had met him a couple years ago, he still hadn’t proved to me that he was tougher than he looked. He just supplied the items and that was basically it. I read the message out loud so I wouldn’t have to repeat myself if Rose or Alec asked me what the message was about.

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