New years: All short

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"Hey baby girl."
You looked at your ninja turtle and smiled.

"Hey back at ya."
You saw him smiling at a picture on his desk.

"What's that?"
He glanced at you and smirked.

He walked over to you and picked you up bridal style.

"Your lucky today was my relaxing day."
He smirked.

"Actually everyone else is lucky, I don't care how you look or what your wearing because you look sexy either way in my eyes."
You smiled into (y/t)'s chest.

"Where are we going anyways?"
Once he got out of the lair he put you down and had you jump on his back.

"Some where special to us."
On the way to this special place in his head you kept trying to remember a place that was special to the both of you.

Once you got there you smiled.
"The place we met?"

He looked at you and nodded.
"Yep because this is also where I want our new year together to start."
Everyone in New York started to count down the ball, once everyone counted to one, (y/t) pulled you into a warm kiss that you melted into.
He pulled away and said,

"Happy new year."
You smiled and giggled to him.

"Merry new year back at cha."
You both shared one more kiss then watched the fireworks show for the rest of the night.

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