Invasion part 2: Donnie

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When you got top side it was chaos. Some people were mutated and some other were dead. Kraang were running around hurting people. You thought it looked like a war zone. when you got to your moms house you saw windows shattered and the door knocked down.

Your POV

I walked around and found a picture of my mom and I at an old store that we loved going to together. The glass was shattered and that almost made me cry. I searched the house until my room was the only one left to search.

Donnie's POV

I followed her in the shadows because one I love her and two she the only other person that I know is as smart as me, but anyways.
I saw her go into her house through the door so I went to her room and through the window.
I sat on her bed waiting for her until I heard footsteps coming to the door.

Your POV

I opened up my door and Donnie was in the other side. I was sorta mad and happy.
"What are you doing here?"
I whispered at him but it was more like whisper yelling.

"Leo told me to follow you."

"Liar. truth now."

"Okay, I wanted to make sure you were okay and you didn't get hurt."

I just sighed when he told me that, he truly loved me is all I could think of.

"Oh, by the way this was on your bed."
I grabbed it and 'it' was a letter.
I opened the letter up and read it out loud.

If you want your mother and Sensi back you meet me at my lair. Come alone.

I looked at Donnie, I could see the wheels turning in his head.
I hugged him and whispered in his ear.
"I'm going to shredders lair and I don't want you to stop."

"But I don't want you dead and it's to dangerous out there."
He said standing in my way.

I looked him straight in the eye and put my hands on my hips.
"You know what's dangerous, standing between me and my mother."
I pushed him out of the way and ran towards shredders lair. I know he was behind me, but I just kept running.


When I got there an oversized tiger grabbed me and threw me back I hit the wall pretty fucking damn hard. I saw Donnie in the shadows still, thank god, I got up and ran to my mom. shredder came walking in with Sensi in his hands, he threw Sensi down a hole in his lair and looked at me.
I gave him a scared smile.
"Um, hey shredder, how's your day?"
He started walking towards me, he grabbed me by the throat and
threw me across the room using so much force it could of almost killed me. I hit the wall the last thing I remember is him killing my mom, then that's when everything went black.

Donnie's POV

I saw her pass out while shredder left. I jumped down, grabbed her and ran out. Casey parked the van in front of the building so I jumped in with her in my arms.
Mikey put a hand on my shoulder as I started to cry.

"Dude, everything is going to be alright."
I smiled at what he said and told everyone what happen to master Splinter.

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