Date fail: Raph

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You walked into the kitchen to just get picked up and thrown on to someone's shoulder. You start to pound on their shell until you see the red bandana strings hanging from his head. So you just put your elbow on his shell and head on your hand.
"So why am I like this exactly?"

"Your going on a date with me and you can't object."
He says satisfied with what he said.

"You couldn't just say 'hey babe will you go on a date with me' , I mean it's that easy."
You said mimicking his voice.

"Actually you would of said 'why we're all ready dating' if I asked that."
He said mimicking your voice.

"Can you at least put me down?"

"Nope you have to guess the magic word."
He said smirking.

You gave your self an evil grin.
"Is it Raphie poo."

"No and don't ever call me that got it."

"Fine. Hold on, is it, spike?"


"Raph this is retorted."

"That's not it either."

"Raaaaaaappphhhh. Please let me go."

"One more guess then maybe."

"Is it lotion."
You said giving up.
By the time you two were done arguing, you guys were both in front if the abandoned building he worked on. He put you done and you looked at it. He opened the door for you and you walked into the living room area and sat on the couch, then got comfortable. You looked around while sitting and thought it was amazing. On one wall the color was red then the others were white. The TV in front of you was a 72 inch flat screen TV. In front of it is a pile of horror movies. Raph put in a movie then came and sat down by you. He stuck an arm around you and pulled you close, you snuggled up to him and a question went threw your head so you asked him.
"What happen to patrol?"

"Leo told us to take a night off because we were all taking our girlfriends on dates."
You were satisfied with what he said.

Time skip ...... bruh

After watching all of the scary movies, Raph decided to carry you back to the lair. While he was walking you were looking up at him starring into his eyes.
When you were about to fall asleep, a whole bunch of foot bots surrounded you guys. He gently started to put you down and keep you behind him, he got in a protective stance and pulled out his sias. The foot started to fight him but when he was done he turned around and looked down to see you in a pile of blood. He picked you up bridal style and ran as fast as he could to the lair.
When he got there and you were in Donnie's lab, he looked at Don with fear in his eyes.
"Will she be okay Don?"

"To be honest Raph, I don't know. She lost a lot of blood and it looks like she got stabbed in the stomach by shredders blades. So we will see."
Raph walked out of the lab with Keely right behind him. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"Raph, she will be okay. I looked into her wounds and the wor-"
He cut her off by turning around with white eyes that then soften.

"Don't ......tell Keely. I don't want to hear it. It was my fault for this other wise we wouldn't be in this mess."
Tears started to roll down his eyes as he slammed his bedroom door behind him.
Keely walked back to the lab and sat down by Donnie.
"Sweetie don't worry, Raph is going through a lot at the moment. It's just best to give him space."

"Is there an estimate on when (y/n) will hopefully wake up?"

"No, not yet I'm still working on that."

She then got back to work on trying to heal you.

(If you don't remember the abandon building, go back and read special some where.)

Part 2
Part 2 is going to be called
healed hearts
It might come slow so hang in there. And please bare me.

Your injury was being stabbed in the stomach twice by shredder who left before Raph saw it happen.

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