Date: Donnie

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You were about to go to bed because you had a long day at school. When you came into yours and Donnie's room you were about to collapse on the bed your purple masked hero caught you then spun you around so you could face him.
You ask sighing.

"I'm going to take you on a real date."
You gave him a confused look.

"But we went in a date."
You told him.

"I know, but you got hurt and we just went on patrol. I screwed up and I want to make it up to you."
You nodded and sigh.

"What's wrong?"
He asked with concern.

"Oh I'm ju-"
He picked you up bridal style before you could finish.

He smiled showing you his gap tooth and ran out of the lair with you in his arms.

Time skip

Once he stopped running he sat you down on a blanket that had a pizza box and a basket.
You both ate and talked.

"So how's school?"

"It's okay. I can't wait until next year though."


"Because it's my last year of school."

"Cool. So you ready to go swimming?"
He asked a little excited.

"Um I don't have a swim-"
He tossed a swimsuit at you, not letting you finish your sentence.

"Go change I'll be in the water waiting."
You got up to go change in the bathroom.

When you came back you went swimming then you guys went home.
Donnie carried you bridal style all the way back and he laid you in bed.
Then laid down beside you, pulling the covers over you two.
He kept thinking in his head,
'I didn't screw up this time'

The swimsuit you wearied in the chapter is the picture.
I was recommended to have them go to the beach
by s-a-v-a-n--hrocks

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