Make out: Raph

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Raph was doing push-ups while you were on his back.
"Hey babe, encourage me."
He said smirking at you.
You giggled then laid on his back putting your mouth up to his ear.

"I'm going to our room so I could relax."
You got off of him just to get followed by him. Once you were in your room you plopped down on the bed while Raph just watched you at the door.

"You know you aren't that good of a motivator, right?"
You chuckle and nodded.

Raph walked over to you and sat down by you, he put an arm around you pulling you into his lap.

"Your so gorgeous."
He said looking in your eyes.

You chuckled then said,

"Kiss me already, dork."
After that he took no time at all. He smashed his lips into yours and had a very long kiss, until he decided that he wanted in. He licked your bottom lip an you let him in, but with a fight.

Your tongues kept fighting until he beat you then started to explore your mouth making sure he touch every inch. The last spot he found was your sweet spot.
You moaned every time he touched that spot which turned him on.

He was about to lay you on the bed, but Mikey and Christina threw water balloons at you guys.

They both ran while you two separated and looked into each others eyes.
"I better go teach them a lesson. We'll continue later babe."
He said to you while winking and leaving the room.

After he left you put your hand on your lips and thought,
' best make out ever.'

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