First kiss: Raph

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You were laying on the floor in the dojo when Raph came in.

"Hey babe what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just bored."

He came over to you and laid on the floor by you.

"Are you that bored, that you don't even want to look at me."
He said smirking at you.

You turned your head and looked at him.

"Now what?"

"Let's see oh how about you watch me do push ups while your under me."

"Nah. I'm good."

He scratched his head while looking a you funny.

"How about I bring you to my room?"

You looked at him disgusted.

"How bout............nnnnnoooooo."

He started to laugh.

You and Raph then got up and started to walk into the living room, when all of the sudden Raph grabs your waist and swings you down to the floor with him on top of you.

"What was that f--"

You were cut off by his lips making contact with yours. At first you panicked then you just went with it and started to kiss him back. He then pulled away and looked down at you.

"Are you still bored?"
He said smirking at you.

"Actually, I was then you kissed me then you stopped so yes I'm bored again, but another kiss sounds good to me."

Before he could kiss you again, Mikey came in right when your lips were going to touch.

"Eeeewwww, Raph your nasty. Don't suck her face!"

Raph pecked your lips.
"I'll be back babe."

He whispered in your ear. he got up off of you and chased Mikey around. You sighed.

"What would I do without you him."
You thought to yourself.

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