Meeting Leo (again)

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The next day, you couldn't stop thinking about him, you kept trying to get him off your mind but that never worked.

----a few hours later----

That night you were watching Space Heros and quoting every word that Captain Ryan said. You heard a knock on your window and looked at it and saw Leo.

You ran up to it and opened it.

"How'd you find my house, Leo?"
You asked him with a suspicions look.

"Well, long story short I, sorta, um, followed you."

"Well, that's not starkerish at all." You said with a smirk. He chuckled
and grinned t you and saw space heros on in the background.

"Wait, you watch that too?"

"Uh, um, no I think that show is..."
Before you could finish he said

"I love that show, I wish I could be like Captain Ryan some day."

You heard someone yell in the background "Leo, we got to go!"
You turned towards him and asked him, "Will I ever see you again?"

He faced towards you and gave you a smirk and a throwing star with his number on it.
He said with a smirk.
You turned and set it on the night stand by your bed. You heard him leave, so you closed your window and went to sleep.

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