Argument: Leo

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You were sitting on the porch looking through Leo's journal you found when you were cleaning your room and it kept saying the name 'Kari' in it, when Leo came out and sat down by you, you god the journal under you.

"Princess, how you feeling today?"

You looked at him while he put an arm around you, and you leaned into him.

"Im okay, um Leo can I ask you something?"

"Okay and shoot."

"Who's Kari?"
He looked down sadly hopping you wouldn't ask about her. He took his arm off of you an got up to leave when you asked him,

"Who's Kari, hun?"

He snapped at you angrily.
"You don't need to know!"

You got up and stood in front of him with your hands on your hips.

"Well, if her name makes you mad, you think I would like to know!"

"Well it looks like you don't need to know then!"

He stomped in to the farm house and slammed the door on you. You heard him lock the door sense it was you two home alone for a few hours.

Your POV

I banged on the door yelling,
"Open the door it's starting to rain!"
He didn't reply or open the door.
Sense we were going to be home alone for a few hours I went into the woods and grabbed sticks and built me a shelter to stay in and I didn't want to go into the barn because that had experiments in it.
I didn't get why he threw a fit every time I said her name it's like he blames him self for something, but oh well.

--------few hours later--------

I was relaxing while it was raining in my hut that I built, when I a van drive up. I poked my head out of the entrance and saw everyone come out of the van Mikey ran up to me and smiled.

"This as got to be the coolest thing I have ever seen."

April came up to me as I got out.

"What are you doing (y/n)?"

"Oh, Leo and I got into an argument and he locked me outside."
I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good thing we have the other key then, I guess."

We all walked up to the door and April opened it. We all went inside when we saw Leo coming down stairs.

"What is she doing here?!"
He said pointing at me.


He growled at me and I growled at him. Raph got in between us and told him to go upstairs. He glared at me and pointed at the couch.
I grunted and crossed my arms while I went to the couch and sat down.
Everyone except Raph and Casey sat near me. Those two went upstairs to talk to my idiot of a boyfriend.

"What happened while we were gone?"

"Well, he sat by me on the swing outside and I asked him a question then he got mad and ran into the house and locked the door on me."

Donnie looked worried.
"What question?"

"Who's Kari? I was looking in his journal and I saw it say ' I wish I could see kari again and get her back to her original father ' and that's when I asked him on the porch."

Donnie out his head down and looked at the ground while the other two went to the kitchen to make food.

Leo's POV

When Raph told me to go upstairs, I knew he was going to talk to me, so I went to my room. When I got on my bed Raph and Casey barged in. I sat up on my bed and looked at them.

Raph closed the door and Casey came up to me and sat by me.

"What's going on with you and

"I'm not gonna talk."

Raph grabbed one of Mikey's water guns and squirted me with it.

"What the fruck Raph?!"

"Answers. or I squirt you again."
He pointed it to me and and smirked.

"Fine, I saw her reading my journal on the porch and I didn't care I mean she can know what's happened to us in the past but I came out and sat by her. I put my arm around her and we got comfy.
She leaned on me and looked up at me. I asked how she was feeling and she said okay and that's when she asked, who's kari?"

Casey started to laugh at me and Raph turned and squirted his face which to me was funny. Raph saw how I was being happy sorta and he pointed to Casey then the door. Casey left and went downstairs.

Raph looked back me.
"So you got mad at her asking who's kari?"

"Yeah I guess, I don't get it every time I hear her name now I get mad and take it out on others."

"Okay. That's all I needed to know."

He walked out of the and went down stairs after shutting my door.

-----hours later -----

No ones POV

"Leo! (Y/n)! Dinner time!"
Both of you went down stairs and sat at the table. You sat by Raph, Leo sat across from you. Everyone was silent until Raph got up and grabbed you by the shirt.

"What the fuck Raph let go of me!"
He dragged you up stairs and put you in Leo and yours room. he slammed the door behind him and you sat on the bed pouting.
Raph went back down stairs and grabbed Leo.

"Raph let go NOW! As your leader you have to listen."

"Well, as your follower I say NO!"
Raph pulled Leo into the same room as you and slammed the door behind him.

thank you."

He slammed the door and you looked at Leo.

"Leo, I'm sorry and I wasn't trying to get you mad or anything when I asked you that question."
You looked down at the floor and frowned. Leo came up to you as you started to cry and put his arms around your waist. He pulled you into his plastron and hugged you tight like there was no tomorrow.

He pulled away and looked sad at your eyes.

"Kari, she was a friend of mine that I sorta had a crush on, she got mutated, I blamed it on myself because I could have saved her, but I screwed up."

You looked into his blue eyes and pulled him to a hug. he was confused why you hugged until you said,
"Leo, that's all I wanted to know, you didn't have to lock me out of the house earlier."

"I thought y-you would get mad that I had a crush on her."

"Sweetie, that's the past now you have an amazing girlfriend talking to you face to face and first time she saw you she didn't scream she only fell deeply in love."

He started to tear up when you told him that.

He managed to say.

"Yes my captain in blue."

You both kissed and then you guys both heard the door unlock with Raph walking in. you two pulled apart and looked at Raph in the door way.

"See, now how hard was that?"

You both looked at each other and you yawned.

Leo was proud of his brother but he looked at Raph and motioned him to leave.

When Raph left Leo tucked you two into the bed and you both fell asleep.

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