Healing hearts: Donnie

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Your eyes started to flutter open, and you tried to sit up but it hurt so you laid back down in lots of pain.
"Guys.... "
Was all you could get out.
But apparently some one heard you, you heard fort steps running into the lab.
When they stopped you saw Fiona and Leah at the door way. You waved to them and they both ran up to you, and hugged you.
"I'm so happy your okay."
Fiona whispered in your ear while she hugged you. You returned the hug then rubbed your head.
"How long have I been out for?"
Leah left the room and Fiona looked at you.
"You've been out for five days."
Your eyes got wide.

"Where's Donnie? Does shredder have him? I need to see if he's okay!"
You were about to have a mini heart attack until Fiona stopped you.

"Donnie's in his room sleeping, because we told him too. He stayed up all five nights and day trying to cure you but today he stormed out of here because he gave up."

"You mean, everything he did to me didn't work?"
She nodded her head slowly. You had a back brace on already so next was trying to stand up.
You started to sit up on the bed, you were about to actually stand up but your legs gave out, so you fell down.
Fiona just chuckled.
"Would you like help?"
You looked up at her with an 'are you serious' expression on your face. She chuckled and helped you up. You were able to walk a little bit but you were still pretty wobbly. After you walked out of the lab. You were in living room part, when......
"Guys she's alive!"
Mikey said running up to you then giving you a hug. Everyone else was in the dojo except Leah, Raph, and Mikey.
(Donnie's in your guises room still)
Leah gave you a short hug and Raph being the stubborn one didn't. Oh well though, right. After you guys got done with the hug, you walked to your bedroom, opening the door, where Donnie was laying on the bed with his eyes closed. You walked up to him and saw tear stains on his cheeks. You started to tear up at what you saw, there were cuts on his wrist while on his desk was a small blade with blood on it. You looked at him then sat down on the bed at his side waking him up.
He asked sleepily. He opened his eyes more and saw you sitting by him.
Your boyfriend flung up and pulled you into a hug.
"I thought you were gone."
He sniffled into your shoulder.
"Donnie please do me a favor.?"

"Anything angel!"
You pulled out of the hug.

"Please stop cutting yourself."
He nodded.

"Will do."
He said looking into your eyes.
After that was over you grabbed his hand and lead him to the kitchen and are pizza for awhile.

Sorry for the late update.

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