Day 13 - Alien invasions and missing nurses

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Nurse Ratched's still missing. Haven't seen her since the day I saw Doc. Probably got the flu. Half the staff are off with it. Shame. My money was on red.

Dick's hearing voices again. He's a paranoid schizo if ever there was one, and stark raving bonkers into the bargain, but lately he's really lost it. According to the voices (I asked him whose voices they were and he said he's not sure, but one of them sounds like David Icke) reptilian aliens have come to take our resources. I told him they'd have to wait until the snow thawed, but it seems like the Big Freeze is part of their masterplan. First, societal collapse, murder and mayhem. Second, mindless enslavement. Third, hard hats and pick-axes for the survivors. Dick says David says he's known about the aliens for years, and cos he was the only one who paid any attention they've agreed to let him supervise the loading of the interplanetary spacetrucks.

I had to wonder why I was in here and David was out there. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Anyway, I laughed my socks off. I shouldn't have, I know, because it just made Dick worse. When he started foaming and ripping hear out they had to pump him full of thorazine and cart him off. He's a news junkie. I don't know why he's bothers. What does he care what goes on out there? It's not like he's ever going anywhere. Not in the state he's in.

He was at dinner, but he couldn't hold his spoon. I ate his ice-cream. Ironic, considering how cold it is outside. I don't think he minded. He bobbed his head a bit when I asked.

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