Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

|Cathlyn’s Point Of View|

Even if it has been a month it’s still quite unbelievable to think of it. Almost as if it would have been a dream. Almost as if it had been a fairytale. But it wasn’t. That Saturday really happened. I really got my first kiss. I think that thanks to Niall not to mention Ashley, I am actually getting over my depression.


But I still think about those years though, It’s hard not to, I think about all the things that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been so damn different compared to everyone else, If I hadn’t been so weak.


I still kind of hate myself though, For being me. I mean if I wasn’t me, Maybe I would have had a great childhood. It’s getting better though, I don’t think about suicide as much as before, Because I am actually happier than I’ve ever been, I have Niall, I have Ashley and I have Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry too.

They have really been there for me, I’m still not completely over what they said to me. I’m just trying to forgive them completely. It’s not that they don’t mean a lot to me, Because they do mean a lot for me, It’s just that I’m scared of what could happen if they changed their minds about me. I think that Louis felt very guilty for what happened but now he is like a brother to me. But I guess what I was going through those years made me really unsure, and well I already figured that I don’t trust people that easy. I think that if Ashley hadn’t convinced me to trust Niall, My depression would have continued and I don’t even know if I would have been alive. My life is still a mess and that phone call made everything worse. That voice that gives me shivers. That person that I hate, who made my life a living hell. I haven’t told anyone about it because I don’t want to bother them. It’s my problems and I don’t want anyone else to fix them. Harry and Ashley have grown really close and it’ll surprise me if they don’t end up together.


|Louis’ Point Of View|


I poured the boiling water into the cup from the kettle. I opened the cupboard to get a teabag but to my surprise they were completely gone. I groaned and tried to figure out where they could be.


I opened all the cupboards we had but I couldn’t find anything that I was looking for. My searching of the lost teabags was suddenly interrupted by my phone ringing, I looked at the screen where an unknown number was showing.. I pressed the green button and brought the phone to my ear.


‘’ Um, Hello? ‘’ I answered a bit curious on who was on the other side of the phone.


‘’ Be careful, She’s fake ‘’ Said a voice I never had heard before.


‘’ What do you mean? Who’s fake? ‘’


‘’ You know whoI’m talking about   ‘’ After that the line went dead, leaving me really confused, and still without teabags. I decided to shake that weird phone call off my mind, It was for sure a prank call.


‘’ Harry! ‘’ I shouted and soon his face plopped into the kitchen.


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