Five - Not really how I planned

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Chapter 5

| Lyn’s Point Of View |

I walked in to Starbucks and I could smell the coffe. I ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream. I took my drink and sat down at a table in the corner of the room. I took a sip of my hot chocolate when a man with sunglasses and a black beanie came up to my table.

‘’ Can i help you ‘’ I questioned as I raised my eyebrows. 

‘’ Lyn, It’s me ‘’ He told me. Wait..Oh, it was Niall!

‘’ Oh, hi ‘’ I said and smiled.

An awkward silence came across the room, until I finally spoke.

‘’ You nevermind ‘’

‘’ Tell me ‘’ Niall said and smiled.

Tell him Cathlyn, don’t be scared, just tell him. You can do this.

‘’ I think..I’m ready to trust you ‘’

‘’ That’s great ‘’ He said and I looked down at the table.

‘’ Do you mind comming over to my place later? ‘’ He questioned.

‘’ No, not at all, we could go now if you want to ‘’

‘’ Sure, c’mon ‘’

We walked out of starbucks and jumped into Niall’s car. It took about five minutes to his apartment. We took of our shoes and walked into the living room. Niall sat down at the sofa and I sat down beside him.

‘’ So, are you ready to tell me now? ‘’ He asked. I swallowed and nodded.

‘’ So, My m-my sister was pretty mean to me at school, Y-you know she got people against me and stuff l-like that ‘’

‘’ What did your parents do about it? ‘’

‘’ They never knew and...they wouldn’t have cared anyway‘’

I catched a breath before I continued.

‘’ Hannah had always told me that I wasn’t good enough, you know when you hear something that often you believe it after a while ‘’

Suddenly it knocked on the door and the second after that it opened.

‘’ Hi Niall, We brought nandos! ‘’ I heard a british vocie say.

‘’ Oh, I’m sorry, I totally forgat they would come ‘’ He said and I quickly got up from the couch.

‘’ Oh, I guess I should lea-’’

‘’ No, Stay, It’s okay ‘’

Four boys came into the living room. Ah, the rest of the band. Their smiles faded when they saw me.

‘’ Who’s this Niall? ‘’ The curly one said, Harry right?

‘’ This is Cathlyn, Cathlyn this is Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn ‘’ Niall told me.

‘’ Is that the girl you found crying on a bench? ‘’ Liam asked.

‘’ Yes, yes it is ‘’ was Niall’s reply.

|Niall’s Point Of View|

‘’ The girl that slapped you and told you to leave even though you wanted to help? ‘’ Louis muttered.

Cathlyn looked down to the floor. Probably hurt.

‘’ Yes that’s me and I wouldn’t mind slapping you in the face too! ‘’ She said and looked at Louis with a big smile.  

They literally killed eachother with their gazes.

‘’ So, Niall, We brought nandos, want some? ‘’ Liam asked. He probably noticed this wasn’t going well.

‘’ I gotta go Niall, see you sometime? ‘’ Cathlyn told me.

‘’ Finally ‘’ Louis exclaimed.  She looked away.

That was  so not necessary Lou.

‘’ Don’t tell anyone ‘’ She wishpered in my ear before she walked out.

‘’ Was that really necessary Lou? ‘’ I asked when she had gone.

‘’ She started! ‘’ Louis shouted.

I just sighed. I couldn’t tell them even if I wanted to. She had just built her trust for me, I couldn’’t lose it.


Author's Note

Sorry if there's like a thousands mistakes in this chapter. Sorry for the slow update, We have been  writing some chapters :) So, this week ( from sunday to next monday ) I'll be in egypt. But don't worry,  at least 3 chapters will be posted anyway  ( Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ) Hope you like the story so far, Don't forget to comment, vote and keep reading :D

Peace Out Bro's

 Thanks for the reads, comments and votes we love you xx

Trust ( One Direction ) EDITINGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora