Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

| Niall’s Point Of View |

I stood with my mouth slightly open still looking up on her balcony. What did I do wrong? Maybe she really didn’t want to be more than friends. Maybe she was scared.


Before I could think of more the door opened and Cathlyn stormed out running straight into my arms. At first I got really shocked until I slowly put my arms around her hugging her back.

When I let go of her I noticed tears running down her cheeks. My beautifly was crying.


‘’ Why are you crying? ‘’ I asked with concern in my voice.


‘’ It’s just, You’re just, Ugh, you’re so perfect Niall ‘’ She answered pulling herself closer to me if that even was possible.


‘’ No, You are perfect Lyn ‘’ I smiled and wiped away a tear that was running down her cheek.


‘’ I’m not, Just look at me, I’ve got more flaws than there are stars in the universe ‘’ She sighed.


‘’ That’s just what makes you perfect Lyn, You’re flaws are the things I like the most with you, You’re not perfect, but you are perfect to me. ‘’


‘’ You’re so cheesy ‘’ She teased.


‘’ Just telling you the truth though ‘’ Her eyes looked so cute when she smiled and looked at me.


‘’ So, You won’t give up on us? ‘’ She asked.


‘’ Nope, I don’t care how long it will take, I’ll wait ‘’


‘’  You’re so cute ‘’ She laughed but I just glared at her.


‘’ I’m not cute!! You don’t call a guy ‘ cute ‘ ‘’ I protested.


‘’ It doesn’t matter, You are cute ‘’ She laughed even more. I sighed but couldn’t hide a smile. She was so wonderful.


‘’ Let’s start over ‘’ I smiled. ‘’ Cathlyn Hope Moore, Will you go out with me? ‘’


‘’ We’re not getting married you mofo, But yes, I’ll go out with you ‘’ She smiled again ‘’ When? ‘’


‘’ How about saturday? ‘’ I asked and Cathlyn nodded.


‘’ Sounds great, Where are you taking me? ‘’


‘’ That will be a surprise ‘’


Trust ( One Direction ) EDITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن