Chapter 17

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not edited! excuse me for the mistakes.

Chapter 17

|Niall’s Point Of View|

Liam could’ve told me! It was so embarrassing. I can’t even look at her. I actually thought she had feelings for me. I’m so stupid.

I don’t know what happened but in the next second I was throwing furniture all over my flat.

I was so angry with myself. Why can’t life be easy and why does love hurt so much? (A/N; Not in the dirty way dirtyminded freaks) I wish I didn’t ask her. I was angry at everyone;

Liam: I remember it so well when he told me ‘’ But Niall, don't fall in love with her, she will clearly just hurt you ‘’ But he fell for her? And why didn’t he tell me? Did he want her all by himself, was that why he said it?

Louis: I’ve heard his mean comments, I can’t tell him, Cathlyn would kill me. But still, I thought he was better than that, He doesn’t know how much she’ve gone through.

Harry and Zayn: They don’t accept that I’m friends with Cathlyn. They’re throwing mean comments at her all the time. They don’t want me to be near her. I can take care of myself!

But that’s nothing compared to how angry I am at myself.

What made me get back to reality was someone opening the door.

|Cathlyn’s Point Of View|

When I heard things break inside Niall’s flat, I just walked straight to his room. It literally looked like after an earthquake. Niall sat on the floor covering his face in his hands.

‘’ Niall, What happened? ‘’ I immediately ran up to him and embraced him.

Could this be because of me? Because I rejected him? Does he like me that much?

‘’ I-I don’t know what happened I just started crying and throwed things around me ‘’

‘’ Tell me this isn’t because I rejected you. ‘’

He looked down and sighed.

‘’ I’m afraid can’t tell you that.. ‘’

|Ashley’s Point Of View|

I saw the park and sighed in relief. That meant I was home soon. Cathlyn and I were having a pizza party later so I had gone and bought the pizza, and party stuff. I could barley hold the bags cause they were so many.

‘’ You need a hand?‘’ I turned around and faced the person.

‘’ Oh, Actually- ‘’ wait a minute.

Harry Freaking Styles.

‘’ Oh my..You’re- ‘’ But he covered my mouth before I could say more.

‘’ Yea, don’t scream, The last thing I need today is the fans finding- ‘’

‘’ Ew you licked my hand! ‘’ He said and pulled away his hand.

‘’ Sorry, This maybe was my only chance, I mean, It’s not everyday I meet Harry Styles. ‘’ I said smirking. He let out a light laugh.

‘’ I don’t think this will be the last time we meet, love ‘’ He winked at me.

‘’ Really Styles? Flirting with me already? ‘’ I kept the smirk on my face.

‘’ Maybe ‘’ He shrugged and I raised an eyebrow.

‘’ But I gotta go, Can I have your number? ‘’ He asked and smiled at me.

‘’ Hmm..No, I don’t give my number to people I met five minutes ago. ‘’ I said and he looked at me dissapointed.

‘’ But-’’

‘’ Bye Harold ‘’


Author's note:

Ashley met Harry, what a surprise haha :)

We're a bit slow we know. We don't really have an excuse, except, we have a life ( yes avtually, hard to believe. )

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