24. Finale

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Omfg. So this is a long time coming... :) I sincerly hope you like it. The song at the side is just one that relates to this chapter. The photo at the side is of Jules' thingy. You'll know what I mean if you look lol. 

Please remember the sequel is now up! James is going to be real hot! Please check it out? That one is more realistic, I promise! 

So, UNTIL THE EPILOGUE, please vote if you loved this, comment on your thoughts and fan if you like me! 

Thanks for being on this royal journey with me. It's been real :) x 


24. Finale


Nerves wrecked through my system. I didn’t want to believe what was happening. I thought back to all the times I was in America, having fun like there was no tomorrow. Partying responsibly—by responsibly I mean, not drinking—and, most of all, being around the comfort of friends. Today was the big day.

Today is my wedding day.

Yet somehow, my mind was still foggy…thinking of only three months ago, my judgment was clouded the day I woke up with midnight blue eyes staring at me as if I were his reason for waking up and going back to sleep.

Shutting my eyes, I allow myself to be dazed by the memory.


Romeo told me to calm down for what would seem like the millionth time. I couldn’t help but allow my nerves get to the better of me. What could I possibly expect? My grandmother was one of the most responsible, amazing women I’d ever known. But I also know she’s one of the most hardheaded and stubborn ones too.

“Stop fidgeting, princess. It’s making me nervous.” Romeo muttered quietly above me.

He was pushing me in a wheelchair which was convenient for me. I couldn’t very well stand up and risk undoing my stitches. The one good thing was…Romeo was with me and even when he was nervous like hell he was doing everything he could in our long walk to the Albert Room to take my mind off things.

But it didn’t mean I couldn’t tell. I’m not deaf, Romeo. I can hear the nerves in your voice.

I didn’t say that though. I think him assuring me was assuring him. Damn that’s like…Wordception. Crap. I really need to stop hanging out with Geneva.

My thoughts betrayed me and soon, we were right in front of the Albert Room. Romeo stopped literally four steps to it. I could roll myself towards it but stopped when I felt Romeo’s hand on my shoulder. I peeked up to him through my lashes, trying difficultly to hide the sadness in them.

“Hey,” I said, offering him a smile.

He smiles too but it’s pained. His eyes, usually a gorgeous shade of midnight blue are pale, almost as if he already knew what would happen on the other side of the door. All I wanted to do at this moment was pull him down and kiss him senseless.

I couldn’t do that.

I couldn’t do that to him…or me. Who knew what would happen in that room? It could be standard protocol but at the same time, it could be that everyone knew our secret. The feelings we harbored for each other. It wasn’t fair for me to kiss him, out of my own will and want—knowing it would only hurt the both of us in the long run.

I took a deep breath and nodded, “You want to go in or what?”

He smiled but the hesitation in his eyes were clear. It was the same thing he told me before I knew he was the Prince of Monaco. ‘Run away with me,’ his eyes said. ‘Run away with me and be happy.’

My Royal Engagement [PG+13] - [Royally Screwed #1]Where stories live. Discover now