14. My Betrothed

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I know this chapter might be..bipolar but that's real life--we're hot, cold, hot cold lol :) Anyway, Gasp! What does the chapter name insinuate? ;) 

Photo at the side: the NEW Romeo, if you didn't see before :) 
Video at the side: Bittersweet ! <3 
Dedication to:  HelenMarieGrace


I've not proofread yet + pointing out mistakes would be oh so awesome! 
Votes, Comments and Fans would be much appreciated! x 35 votes go! :)

Copyright Protected Hilda Therese [FallenInfinityBooks] 2013   


14. My Betrothed
Juliet's POV

After the insanity last night I felt that it was honstly all too much for me that I had overslept this morning. Getting some rest was great, awesom even but my grandmother didn't approve when she herself woke me up with a furious expression on her usually calm face.

"Juliet," she said through clenched teeth, "please tell me that you didn't skip the first breakfast with your future king to sleep."

"I'm tired, okay?" I grumbled, still feeling the tiredness in my head wanting to take me to sleep. "Last night took plenty out of me." I hissed. 

"A Queen does not complain of tiredness from an event that she is the host to." 

"But I'm not the Queen." I snapped defiantly. 

"And you won't be if you continue with this attitude." she snapped right back. What the hell? What's that supposed to mean!? As if sensing my mental questions, she spoke up: "What kind of Queen acts in such a self-centered fashion? Tell me, what kind of Queen neglects to care for her own body, skipping meals, drinking alcohol to the point of drunkeness?" she eyes me with such heat that I I cringe away, my head beginning to form smartass remarks...but I wouldn't say them aloud, she was right and I was wrong. These were my duties and I failed to comply to them. "Juliet, I do not wish to scold you like the child you seem to act like but if you continue on with this attitude, do you truly expect yourself to handle being a ruler of a whole nation?" 

She walked away then, slamming the door lightly behind her as she left, leaving me with her questions that my head had begun to form answers to. She was right and I was definitely wrong. I dreamed, once, of being like her--ruling like she did with the elegance and regality that she had--has, but how was I supposed to when I continued to whine?

I chose this life--I could have dropped it all, I could have tossed it out into the trash but I didn't. I chose all this knowing what it would come with...no matter whom I marry. Marriage seemed like such a big deal but now, now I had to put on my big girl trousers and take care of business.  

Time to find out who my betrothed was.

* * * 

"Nice sleep?" an American accented voice asked. Two guesses who?

"What do you want from me?" I asked him, scowling and wanting to slam the door in his face. Shortly after my talk with my dear old grandmother I decided to clean myself up and at least get ready to have lunch with Prince Romeo, Louis and Queen Theresa. I hoped that I wouldn't have to face my grandmother yet because the reality of her words hit me like a ton of bricks. 

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