Chapter Nine: Faerie Wine

Start from the beginning

“That doesn't sound so bad,” I said before I asked. "And your point in being so overdramatic?"   

Her mouth twitched. “She’s dangerous!” 

“Usually,” Drake said, “but she will not do anything while I'm guarding Matty’s life.” Drake stood up straighter with his chest thrust out.

"You were just freaking out about tell her what essence was!" Ruth reminded him, but he ignored her.

He asked as he looked at us. “Now will you two please stop being so paranoid? Worrying about such things will bring no joy.” 

I frowned. Drake seemed a little too comfortable about this, but she hadn’t caused any trouble except in bothering me and I hadn’t even noticed anyone trying to look at her. I sighed and looked at my coffee like caffeine held all of the answers, which usually did, but in this case, nothing came of it.

"Drake...SHE TRIED TO KILL US!"  Ruth screamed as I jumped and a whole bunch of other people jumped in the school cafe. I think the lights above our heads swung a little at Ruth's scream. "And that is not being paranoid!" 

"Shh, Ruth, quit being so loud," I whispered as she glared at me. "What? You want Ms. Davidson coming in and dragging us off to the principal's office for disturbing the peace?" The only reason I even knew that was because she had used it as an excuse before to throw my butt in detention. 

“Well?” Ruth asked, folding her arms over her chest and glaring at the both of us. 

I shrugged. “I’ll think of something.” 


The next night I thought I'd finally get some peace and quiet to work on my photography, or maybe I might actually be in the mood to do my school work! 

But no. I never get a break. 

I knew I should’ve gone with Cooper and Alex to pick out a dress. Trusting a gay guy and a straight guy was probably a very bad idea. 

Yeah, and don't ask me how all three guys got into the room after eight o' clock at night! Cooper probably just charmed the pants off of the teachers at the front desk. 

“No,” I said, staring at the white lacy dress that hung in front of me while it dangled from Alex’s arm. It looked like a wedding dress and it looked too clean and perfect for me. It didn’t even look right against me in my room. Zack stared at it in wonder for a moment and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when he saw me glaring at him. 

“Sweetie, you have to see that this dress is perfect for you.” Alex said as he held up the dress with Cooper next to him. 

“No,” I repeated. 

“But-” Cooper started. 


“This was not my idea,” Zack said, raising his hands up so I wouldn’t clobber him. 

I glared at them as I put my hands on my hips. Drake sighed and stared at the dress wearily before looking back at me to see what I thought. I should’ve known better then trusting a gay guy and my best friend to pick out a dress for me, but it’s not like that was my biggest worry right now. 

“You should try it on just to see if you like it-”

I glared at Cooper and tried to summon the meanest face I could form, but this was made difficult when he smiled at me. Like a flute charms a snake, my resistance to the dress melted. Okay, so it looked like a wedding dress that was torn at the bottom in a fashionable sort of way, I suppose. 

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