Chapter 35: Ember's POV

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"Could you make a viewing portal so we can find the others please?" Leo asks me politely.

I nod. I make a circle of dark magic and a viewing portal is made. We see everyone with Hayley.

"Well looks like Jack was right," Hayley says.

Jack turns and sees Leo and I. "Holy sh—Leo!" Jack exclaims. He makes it a walking portal and Leo and I walk through. Jack gives me a big hug.

"How did you do it Leo?" Xander asks.

"I've got this weird blue mist," Leo says. "I think it's like Jack's green mist."

"That's awesome bro!" Jack exclaims. He pats Leo's back. I always admired their friendship.

"Guys, we have the upper hand," Scarlett says. "We can defeat Sofia."

Leo puts his arm around me. "Let's make a plan then," Leo says.

"I'll make get some refreshments for all of you," Hayley says. She walks into the kitchen. The rest of us turn and look at Leo.

"Alright so let's figure out who is representing what power," Leo says.

"I've got Shadower," Jack says. "McKenna is going to stay on the sidelines in case something happens to me."

"Which nothing will," Leo says. "I've got the Blazer power. Fire is fire no matter what color."

"I've got Crystalite," Scarlett says.

"I've got Pocionizer and Aguamite," Xander says.

"Then that means I have Occulite and Purificator," I say.

"Good," Leo says. "Now we need to figure out where Sofia is going to attack us."

"First we need to know what she's up to," Scarlett says.

They all look at me.

"She's got the rest of the Novus's trapped. She's building an army of indestructible people," I say. "But this blast should affect all of them."

"Did we ever figure out what the price of it was?" Jack ask. "Like the Steam Project wouldn't allow power usage from anyone for a certain amount of time."

Xander groans. McKenna slugs him. "I defended you, don't make me regret it," McKenna says to him.

I chuckle. I never thought I'd be with my friends ever again. Hayley brings us refreshments and we continue to make a plan. All was well until the air started to get colder. We all look at each other.

"It's time," Leo says. He nods in thanks to Hayley.

"Are you sure you guys don't want my help?" Hayley asks.

"You've been through so much already," Leo says, "and helped us out a bunch before. We've got this."

"Wait," Jack says. "Will you keep an eye on my sister?" Hayley nods and McKenna walks over to Hayley. "Keep her safe please."

"You can trust me," Hayley says.

Jack nods and the rest of us walk outside. We see Sofia standing off into the distance. We go up to her.

"You're outmatched. We have Ember now. You can't win," Jack says.

"I'm still invincible," Sofia says. "Did you forget about that?"

She launches ice at Leo, but he deflects it off of his sword. Then all fighting breaks lose. Three more Icers appear. Xander deals with one, Scarlett deals with one, and Jack deals with the last one. Leo and I deal with Sofia. I create an uranium sword in my hand and point it at Sofia. Leo does the same with his sword.

"Give up now," I say. "You're going to lose."

Sofia swings a long icicle at me. "Unlikely," Sofia says. She smirks and looks at Leo.

I see the Icer who is fighting Jack sends ice at Leo. I scream and Jack immediately jumps in front of the ice. It hits him. Blood comes from Jack's stomach. He collapses on the ground. Leo yells in protest. I send a huge fireball at Sofia, then run over to Jack. Leo kneels next to him. Scarlett knocks down her Icer and steps beside us puts an ice dome over us and kneels down. Xander stands in front of the dome, protecting us. He continues to fend off Sofia.

"Don't let go Jack!" Leo yells, about ready to burst into tears.

I know he refuses to lose him too.

"I'll never - let go - Leo," Jack manages between gasps for air.

Leo and I look at Scarlett.

"Heal him! Scarlett! Heal him!" Leo yells.

She tries to do something, but nothing happens.

"I-I can't," Scarlett says weakly. Her face is stained with tears. Leo looks up at her.

"Try harder!" Leo screams.

Jack grabs his arm and Leo looks at him.

"It's okay," Jack says.

Leo shakes his head no. "No! I refuse to lose you too." Leo's voice is cracking. "We had a plan! You shouldn't be dying!"

"Death is inevitable," Jack says quietly.

Scarlett kneels down next to us. "I'm sorry Jack."

"You did all - you could," Jack says.

I can tell he's starting to get out of it. I stroke Jack's cheek and Jack smiles at me.

"Jack - I - I need you," Leo says. "You can't leave me. What - what am I supposed to do? You're all I have left!" Leo closes his eyes and looks away, trying to hold back his tears.

"I'll always be with you," Jack says weakly. "Even when you can't see me." He looks at him. My heart is breaking in a million pieces. "Just listen closely, I'll - always - be in - your heart." Jack cringes and his eyes start to gloss over.

"You won't die in vain," Leo says, tears running down his cheeks. "I will kill Sofia."

Jack smiles. "Thank - you - Leo." He closes his eyes and his breathing stops.

I close my eyes. Jack is gone.

Annihilated | (Adventure / Conclusion to United)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang