Chapter 14: Jack's POV

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We appear in Chicago and everything is in ruins.

"No," Leo says, looking around.

I kneel down and feel the ground. It was burnt.

I look at Leo. "It was burnt! The Blazers did this! You did this!"

Leo turns and looks at me. "Why would you say that!?"

I point my wand at him and shoot darkness at him. Leo gets his sword in his hand and blocks the magic. He swings his sword at me. Patricia and Scarlett step between us.

"Guys! Let's think rationally about this for a second!" Patricia exclaims. The mist begins to surround Leo. "This is what Sofia wants you to think! It's all her plan!"

"She'd want the Shadowers to blame the Blazers?" I ask.

Patricia nods. I lower my wand and the mist recedes away from Leo.

"She must want a war," Scarlett says. "But why? She usually wants the action for herself."

"So they do her dirty work for her," Leo says, his sword disappearing. "The Shadowers will declare war on the Blazers, but they won't be prepared because they'll be dealing with the Purificators."

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"The Shadowers will take out the Blazers," Leo says. "And the Purificators can't help because they're trapped under that dome." We all look at him. "Let's be real here, the Shadowers are more powerful than the Blazers. We rely too much on the Purificators for help."

"We relied on the Aguamites," I say. "The only reason why that ice didn't take over my heart is because I kept fighting it. I kept thinking about Cassie, even after I knew I lost her."

"Lost her?" Leo asks. He's so naïve.

"I lost her to you," I say. "She loved you. She was that third girl in Phoebe's dream." Leo's hands start smoking again.

"Why is everyone dying for me!?" Leo asks angrily, but there's a hint of sadness in his voice. "Why me?"

"There's a prophecy, Leo," Patricia says. "I don't remember quite what it says, but I know it needs you alive."

"Well that's not exactly part of the plan," someone says from behind us.

We turn and see Xander standing there. Patricia steps in front of Leo.

"You try stabbing him again, I dare you," Pateicia says. Xander looks in anger at Leo.

"That blade was covered in poison," Xander says. "Who healed you!?"

"Your ex-girlfriend," I say, my wand at the ready.

"She is not my ex!" Xander exclaims, sending the ground at me, Patricia blocks it with a shield from her wand.

"You're a traitor," Leo says. "Maybe if you come back to our side, she'll forgive you."

"Not an option," Xander says. "I'm on the winning side."

"You've only destroyed one kind," Leo says. "The Blazers are working on freeing the Purificators right now. You're going to lose."

"Well the Occulites just fell in Europe," Xander says. "Europe is Sofia's now."

"What about the Crystalites?" Scarlett asks.

"Corrupted," Xander says. "They'll face the same fate as the Aguamites just did."

"So if the Occulites are gone, that means Aaron and Elysia are dead too," Patricia says. "And if Sofia wipes out the Crystalites, then Abigail is surely dead too."

"She'll spare them," Xander says. "That was our deal. I'm doing this for them!"

"No, you're doing this for yourself," Leo says. "You're a coward. See, the thing that makes us different is that I'm not afraid to stand up for what is right. You crave power, that's why you joined Sofia. You can't root for the underdog because you think they'll lose."

"They will," Xander says.

"Then everyone you know and love is dead," Leo says. "And it's all because of you."

Xander launches himself at Leo and tries punching him, but Leo throws him off and makes his sword. He points it at Xander.

"You made a mistake coming to gloat," Leo says.

"You won't kill me," Xander says. "Abigail doesn't want you to. She still loves me."

"You think I spared you because of her? No. I spared you because you're innocent," Leo says. "I'm giving you a chance to figure out what you are doing is wrong."

"This is how I always thought," Xander says. "I just didn't know it until Sofia opened my eyes."

Sofia appears and grabs Xander's arm. I chuck my sword at her, but she disappears before it hits her.

"We need to get to the Shadowers before they get to the Blazers," Patricia says.

"In other words, we have to convince my parents that the Blazers didn't do this," I say.

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