Chapter 18: Xander's POV

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"Is splitting up the best option?!" Abigail yells.

"YES!" Elysia yells.

She and McKenna run to the right and Abigail and Aaron run to the left. Sofia sends Ember after Elysia and McKenna. She and I chase after Abigail and Aaron. She sends ice at them, but continues to miss. I lift up the ground in front of Abigail and Aaron and they trip. Abigail creates the blue ball in her hand and is about to throw it at me, but I create a lead ball in my hand and throw it at her hand. The blue ball falls to the ground and she clutches her hand. It pains me to have to do that, but it's for a good cause. It's for her protection.

"Xander, you don't have to do this," Abigail says.

"Yes I do," I say. "You'll understand when this is all over."

Sofia shoots ice at Aaron and Abigail, but Aaron counter strikes with lightning.

"Why are you resisting!?" Sofia yells. "JUST DIE ALREADY!"

"Yeah, I don't know who you think you are, but I was one of the leading officers in the Occulite military," Aaron says.

"Fine," Sofia says. She sends ice at Abigail, but she puts up a snowflake shield. "UGH. XANDER YOU GET AARON!"

I draw up zinc from the ground, and send it straight at Aaron. Suddenly Abigail jumps in front of him and the zinc goes inside of her. She screams in pain and I look in horror at her. I'm about to use my powers to take it out, but an ice wall goes around me and I am hopeless to do anything.

"NO!" I scream, tears falling out of my eyes. "I'M SORRY ABIGAIL!"

Elysia comes running and immediately starts crying. Abigail twitches on the ground. Aaron just stands there with a horrified look on his face. I pound on the ice, my vision blurred from the tears. I killed the one I tried to protect. I repeatedly pound on the ice, it starting to turn red where I was pounding. My hand is bleeding but all I can think about is that I just killed Abigail. Her body stops twitching and it turns pale. She's gone. Elysia collapses on her knees and cries into her hands. Aaron sends lightning at Sofia, but she teleports away. The ice wall falls and I kneel down next to Abigail's lifeless body.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. I put her head in my lap and put my forehead on hers and cry.

"You! You did that to her!" Aaron yells.

He grabs me and pushes me away. I land on the ground. He's about to electrocute me, but Elysia puts her hand up.

"Stop," she says weakly. "Give us a reason not to murder you right now."

"I don't have one," I say. My voice cracking. "I don't deserve your forgiveness."

Aaron looks at Elysia, waiting for her command to kill me.

"I-" she starts when a blast of dark magic sends me flying into a wall.

McKenna walks up to me and grabs my throat.

"You little prick," she says. "I should let the darkness consume you." Darkness begins to surround us. "Make you die as painfully as Abigail just did."

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