Chapter 20: Aaron's POV

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"Let's hear your plan then Leo," Patricia says.

"Um," Leo says. "Well-"

"So you have nothing," Scarlett says.

"Not true!" Leo exclaims. His hand ignites in flames. Jack stands next to him and Leo calms down. "Alright. We are not splitting into two teams this time. Splitting up has NOT been the best thing."

"Good idea," Patricia says.

"We're going to go to the shore of California and Xander is going to remove the diamond dome from the Purificators," Leo says.

"And why would I do that?" Xander asks.

Leo makes a circle of blue fire appear around Xander and Jack surrounds him in green mist.

"I'll burn you alive and Jack will make sure to crush your bones if you don't," Leo says.

"That was graphic," Patricia says.

"Alright alright! I'll do it," Xander says. "I know when I'm outnumbered."

He dodges a bolt that was aimed at him from Elysia.

"Liar!" Elysia yells.

I put an arm around her. "Sis, killing him isn't going to help us," I say. She nods.

"Okay," Leo says. "Scarlett will teleport us there. Xander will remove the diamond. Then Scarlett will take us to Australia and search for the prophecy."

"What if Sofia beat us there?" I ask. "She and Ember disappeared after Abigail was killed."

"Then we'll be ready to fight," Leo says.

"We can't defeat a Supremo," McKenna says. "Ember can barely control herself."

"She isn't the problem," Leo says. "Do you really think if she had a choice, she'd be doing this?"

"She wouldn't be alive then," McKenna says. "If I were her, I'd want to go back being dead."

Jack looks at his sister. "Really? That's what you'd do?" he asks.

She nods. "I would hope you'd accept it," McKenna says. He looks away and her eyebrow raises. "Jack?"

"Why don't we stop talking about it?" I suggest.

"Good idea," Patricia says. "Leo?"

"Right," Leo says. "Everyone take a hand." Leo takes Scarlett's hand, Jack takes McKenna's and Patricia's, Patricia takes Leo's, I take Scarlett's and Elysia's, and Elysia takes Xander's. Scarlett closes her eyes and we appear on a beach. When we land, Scarlett lets out a gasp and almost falls over, but Leo grabs her arm to keep her standing. "Are you okay?"

She nods. "I just never teleported that many people before," Scarlett says. She looks at Xander. "You ready?"

"I don't exactly have a choice," Xander says. He turns to the diamond and puts his arms out. He closes his eyes and his hands begin to glow. The dome starts to shake and it lifts into the air. Xander's eyes open, he grunts, and smashes his hands together. The diamond disappears and Xander collapses on the ground, out of breath. Patricia kneels down next to him.

"What's wrong?" Patricia asks.

"That took a lot out of me," he says, breathing heavily. "Supremo magic is so different."

"There was a reason why the Occulites and Crystalites wanted them gone," Elysia says.

"You're not going to include the Pocionizers in that?" Scarlett asks.

"Well I don't think they cared honestly," Elysia says. "The Occulites and Crystalites probably just asked them to assist them since, in reality, the Supremos would've taken them out first."

"How so?" Leo asks.

"Just how the layout is," Elysia says. "Well, now that I think about it, I guess they could've gotten to the Crystalites through Russia."

"Right, because Russia is in Europe and Asia," Leo says. Elysia nods.

"They probably wanted to control all of Russia before they invaded the rest of Europe," I say. Elysia nods again.

"As much as I am loving this geographical discussion, we still have a terrorist to deal with," Scarlett says.

"You're going to be teleporting all of us across to another continent, not across a country this time," Leo says. "Are you sure you can handle that?"

Scarlett gives him a look. "Don't underestimate me, fire boy."

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