Chapter 4: Jack's POV

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Leo, Scarlett, and I walk to our gate and board the plane. I should mention we are sitting first class. I sit across from Leo and Scarlett. Scarlett takes the window seat. "So what is Los Angeles like?" Scarlett asks.

Leo looks at her. "Why haven't you betrayed us yet?"

Scarlett turns and looks at him. "There's no point to. I've seen what he can do." She gestures to me. "I wouldn't want to figure out what that green mist is actually for."

"You really wouldn't," I say. "It's quite brutal."

"Which surprises me," Scarlett says. "You seem much calmer than that other Shadower, Hallie?"

"Hayley," Leo corrects her.

Scarlett nods. "Yes her."

"Trust me, when I get angry, people get hurt," I say.

"I believe that," Scarlett says. She looks at Leo. "Now you're a different story. Your flame is blue and not orange. Why?"

Leo shrugs. "No idea. My mother was a Purificator so maybe that had something to do with it."

"Was - is she dead?" Scarlett asks. Leo nods. "I'm sorry."

"Well she was murdered by Sofia," Leo says, "only because my dad chose my mother over her."

"How old were you?" Scarlett asks.

"Two I think," Leo says. "My sister was just a baby. How did Sofia do it? Turn her into a monster?"

"She has a necklace that controls Ember," Scarlett says.

"That's inhumane," I say.

"Didn't that ring a bell in your head?" Leo asks Scarlett.

She shakes her head no.

"How could you think of being okay with something that despicable?" I ask.

"If you've ever had the taste of darkness or evil, you'll know why," Scarlett says. "You get this rush of power. You don't want to stop." She looks at me. "I think you know what I'm talking about."

Leo looks at me.

"When you first met me, Leo, I didn't know when enough was enough when I was fighting," I say. "Phoebe had to stop me the first time."

"That's different!" Leo exclaims.

"Don't tell me you've never done something bad and not liked it," Scarlett says to Leo.

"Can't say that I have because - oh I don't know - I'm a rational human being!" Leo exclaims.

"I don't trust someone without a dark side," Scarlett says.

"I don't trust someone who ONLY has a dark side," Leo retorts back at her.

"I have a good side," Scarlett says. "I just don't know if you're worth my time." She looks out the window.

"What I'm fighting for is so much more than just my sister," Leo says. "I'm fighting to save innocent lives and the whole world."

Scarlett turns back around. "Why do you care so much? It doesn't make any sense."

"Because I'm one of the idiots who live on the earth!" Leo exclaims. "Sofia wants to kill off all humans except the ones who will benefit her. She's not going to care about what you nor Xander want. I fear that Sofia will just kill Ember when she's done with her. I can't lose her again."

Scarlett studies Leo. "You really love her?"

Leo nods. "She's all I have left."

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