Chapter 10: Aaron's POV

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"Just a little," Elysia says with her arms crossed. "Is Greece not good enough for you anymore?"

"Europe is a wreck," I say. "Pocionizers have taken over. Why is it so dark?" A blue flame ignites in someone's hand, lighting up where we are. "What?"

"Aaron, focus," Elysia says.

"Not until you explain who these people are," I say.

"Leo is the one with the flame, Patricia is the one in white, McKenna is the one who revived you, and Jack is the one in black," Elysia says.

"Aaron, how did you end up here?" Abigail asks.

"I made a portal for myself to wherever Elysia went, but Rachael tried killing me first," I say. "I didn't understand why she'd do that until now. The Pocionizers are working with whoever that woman was."

Leo looks at Elysia. "We were right. We need a team in Europe. Round up the Occulites and Crystalites."

Elysia shakes her head no. "The Crystalites are infested with traitors, it's hard to tell who is good or not."

"We need a team there," Leo says. "Abigail, you need to take people over there."

"Leo we can't split up," Abigail says. "I'm the only one who can heal wounds like what just happened to you. What if that happens again and I'm not there to do anything about it?"

"One team will have you and the other will have Scarlett," Leo says.

"I don't know if she can heal like Abigail," Elysia says. "She's been gone from Crystalites for a long time."

"It'll be fine," Leo says. "Abigail, I want you leading one team in Europe. I will lead the other here."

"Alright, so who am I taking?" Abigail asks.

"Aaron, Elysia, and McKenna," Leo says.

"No I'll go to Europe with Abigail," Jack says.

Leo looks at him. "No you're staying here with me. Last time we split up, you almost died from ice in your bloodstream."

"I don't want my sister in Europe," Jack says.

"She'll be safe with me," Abigail says. "I guarantee it."

"Leo you should have an Occulite here," Elysia says.

"Elysia is right, I'll go to Europe. They don't have my power there," Patricia says.

"No! Guys just trust me with these teams," Leo says.

"Who are you taking?" I ask.

"Jack, Patricia, and Scarlett," Leo says. He looks around. "Wherever she went."

"She was pretty upset when you let Xander leave," Patricia says. "Maybe you should go look for her?"

"Alrighty," Leo says, walking out of the building.

"It's dark again," I say.

"You really don't stop complaining, do you?" Elysia asks.

"I got it," Patricia says. Light comes out of her wand and all around us, specks of light are seen. "Alright so should we wait for Leo to come back with Scarlett or just send you guys to Europe now?"

"We'll just go," Abigail says.

McKenna walks up to Jack and hugs him. "Be careful sis," Jack says. "Don't die."

"I don't plan on it," McKenna says.

"Jack, would you like to help me out with this portal?" Elysia asks. "We''ll make it so we land on the coastline of Spain. The edge of Occulite territory."

Jack nods and they combine Elysia's magenta mist and Jack's dark magic to make a portal.

"I've got it," Jack says. "Just walk through."

Abigail grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet. Elysia walks through first, followed by McKenna, Abigail, and myself.

"Good luck," Leo says.

Abigail nods. "You too."

Jack closes the portal and we look away from where the portal is. We see the in the sky, a gas beginning to surround the city

"Looks like war is starting. After all these years of peace and working together, they just turn on us?" Elysia asks.

"Can we stop it?" McKenna asks.

"If we don't try, then the entire Occulite kind will be history," Abigail says.

"That doesn't sound good for Elysia and I," I say.

"Well then let's make sure that doesn't happen," Elysia says.

And with that, we walk towards the city.

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