Chapter 19: Patricia's POV

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"It was Sofia's fault," Jack says.

The viewing portal to see McKenna disappears.

"Look, as much as I'd love to reminisce on the things you guys screwed up," Scarlett says, "we really should get to Australia."

"We don't even know where in Australia," Leo says. "How are we supposed to figure that out?"

"Well," Scarlett says. "We just go in head first." She smirks at Leo.

"Now is NOT the time to quote me!" Leo exclaims.

"I think she's right," Jack says.

"Shut up Moore," Leo says. "But we really need a plan."

"Since when are you one for plans?" Scarlett challenges him. "How about we just wing it?"

"No," I say. "Leo's right. We need a plan."

"We never thought of a detailed plan before," Jack says. "Why start now? We didn't need it when we stopped the Blazers and Aguamites from going to war. We didn't need one to trick Sofia into thinking we were dead."

"One of those things backfired," I say.

"Technically both," Leo adds.

Jack gives both of us a look. "Is that really necessary to say?"

"Well, actually, yes." I say. "Stopping the war between the Aguamites and Blazers only let them live a few more years. They're all dead now."

"And Sofia knows we're alive," Leo says. "Maybe we need a plan."

"You're overthinking it," Scarlett says. "I don't know about the war between the Blazers and Aguamites, but I do know that with Sofia thinking you guys were dead, it allowed you to get to Patricia."

"Which evidently led her to the Purificators and now they're trapped," Leo says.

"You're wrong," Jack says.

"And why is he wrong?" I ask Jack.

"Her plan was always to get the Purificators," Jack says. "So it was honestly just a coincidence that we were there too."

"It wasn't a coincidence, Jack, and you know that," Leo says.

"I know it wasn't planned," Jack says. "Because she didn't know we were alive. Can you two just trust Scarlett and I on this? I've always listened to your insane ideas Leo, why can't you just listen to someone else's?"

"That's not - it's - there's more to it than that!" Leo exclaims. "I don't want anyone else to die! I've decided that these 'jump in head first' plans are what is getting people killed. Jack, I refuse to lose you too. I won't accept it."

"I can't be stopped Leo," Jack says. "You know that."

"Tell that to the ice that was killing you," Leo says. "If Xander hadn't healed you, you would've just died before Cassie and Phoebe. Then I would've been alone. I just won't let anyone else die because of these stupid plans! Which aren't really plans!"

A portal opens and we see Elysia making the viewing portal.

"Elysia?" Jack asks.

It looks like she's been crying.

"Jack - portal - now," Elysia says.

Jack points his wand and it turns into a walking portal. We can see now that the environment around them is rubble and destroyed buildings.

"Whoa," I say. "The Pocionizers did all of this?" Elysia nods.

We see McKenna with her wand pointed at someone. It's Xander.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Why is he with you!?" Leo exclaims.

"He killed Abigail," Aaron says, walking up beside Elysia.

"Stop saying it!" Xander exclaims, but the darkness makes him silent.

"Stop speaking," McKenna says. "Now walk." She shoves him and they walk towards us.

"Abigail is dead?" Leo asks quietly.

Scarlett launches ice at Xander and he slams against a wall. The ice traps him there. Scarlett storms up to him, crossing through the portal.


The ice drops from him and goes around his neck, choking him. I notice no one else objecting to it, so I step in.

"Scarlett, stop," I say. "This isn't the way to go."

Tears roll down Scarlett's cheeks and after a few seconds, she releases him. She turns and sees Abigail's body. I walk through the portal and up to her.

"We can bury her here if you want," I say. Scarlett nods. "McKenna, could you lend me a hand?"

McKenna nods. Aaron grabs Xander's arm forcefully and bring him through the portal. McKenna moves the ground to make a hole. I lift Abigail's body into the hole and McKenna moves the dirt back into the hole. A rock appears out of the ground with Abigail's name engraved on it. We turn and see Xander with his arm out.

"How did it happen?" I ask.

"Sofia, Xander, and Ember started chasing us so Abigail thought we should split up-" Elysia starts.

"Did she have a plan?" Leo asks.

"Just to split up. She didn't say anything else. Xander and Sofia went after Aaron and Abigail. Ember went after McKenna and myself," Elysia says. "Anyway, um, Abigail took the zinc hit from Xander that was intended for Aaron. Sofia put an ice wall around Xander so he couldn't remove it from Abigail's system. Then Sofia and Ember disappeared."

Leo looks at Jack. "See? We need a plan," Leo says to him.

I think that was really him saying 'I told you so.'

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