Chapter 12: Abigail's POV

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We get closer to the city and I stop the others.

"We don't know what this gas is," I say.

Someone grabs my arm and pulls me away as a piece of metal comes flying by. McKenna points her wand and dark magic goes around the Pocionizer about to surround us. I look and see Aaron pulled me away.

"I think that's the least of our problems," Aaron says. "So what exactly is the plan here? We can't stop this. We can't stop a war."

"Leo stopped a war between the Aguamites and Blazers, why can't we do the same?" Elysia asks.

"They had the Steam," Elysia says. "We don't."

An explosion is heard from behind us. We see Pocionizers coming towards us. Elysia sends lightning down on them.

"Run!" I exclaim.

Aaron grabs his sister's arm and we run into the city. It's hard to see because of the fog that has developed. We only see strikes of lightning every once in a while.

"We're not going to get anywhere here. We can't stop this war," I say.

"We can fight with the Occulites," Elysia says.

"They won't win," McKenna says, launching more dark magic at a Pocionizer.

"Why would you say that?" Elysia asks, ducking as an iron sword flies over her head.

"The Pocionizers are the closest to the Supremos," McKenna says. "Why do you think Sofia chose them?"

I step forward, knocking six Pocionizers down with snow.

"They're the weakest," I say. I create a giant snowball and throw it into the air, it explodes and snow is lodged into Pocionizers' throats, choking them.

"They actually seem very strong!" Aaron says, trying not to get his head chopped off by an iron axe.

"They can't resist power," I say, stepping aside as McKenna sends more magic at some Pocionizers. "That makes them weak. That's what made Xander weak."

"Well that's one weakness we can't really use to our advantage!" Aaron exclaims. He uses a bolt and swings it at the Pocionizer's head.

"We can't just give up!" I exclaim as I throw a blue ball at a Pocionizer.

They get stuck and Elysia calls lightning to electrocute them. McKenna sees us do that.

"Wait! We could use that blue stuff!" McKenna exclaims. She ducks as Aaron sends bolts at a Pocionizer behind her. "We need to get to high ground and if we stick all the people to their spots then we can take out the Pocionizers!"

"Or it could backfire and the Occulite kind is wiped from existence," Aaron says, sword fighting a Pocionizer with a lightning bolt.

"I can't create that much McKenna," I say. "I'm not powerful enough."

McKenna looks at me. "You have to try! We-"

Immediately the oxygen becomes thin the air and it is hard to breath. Elysia pulls us together and makes a force field around us and we can breath again.

"It's too late," I say.

We look around and see Occulites fall all around us. Aaron and Elysia look at each other.

"We lost," Elysia says to her brother.

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