Chapter 23: Jack's POV

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Ember surrounds Elysia and Aaron with the fire. I immediately know they don't stand a chance. I cringe as I hear their screams. Patricia is covering her ears and is looking away. Sofia lowers the ice wall and smirks. McKenna walks up to her.

"You can't hurt me you-" Sofia starts when McKenna punches her square on the nose. "YOU STUPID GIRL!" She sends ice at McKenna, but she dodges and it hits Xander.

He unfreezes and sees Elysia and Aaron. He removes the oxygen from around Ember and the fire goes out, but it's too late. Elysia's and Aaron's burnt corpses lay there.

"You'll pay!" Xander yells at Ember.

Ember weakens his powers and he collapses on the ground.

"Foolish boy," Ember says. "You should've listened to me before!"

Light magic surrounded Ember when she said that, but it quickly disappears afterwards. Sofia grabs Ember's arm and they disappear.

"Can we deal with my situation now!" Leo yells. He's sunken higher than his waist now.

"Leo! Quit fooling around in the sand!" I exclaim with a chuckle.

Leo gives me a look and just chuckles. "Screw you Moore."

Scarlett gives us both a look. "You're in quick sand and you two just think this is a joke!? I just watched two people I've known FOREVER get burned alive!"

"Sorry!" Leo exclaims.

"I'll get him," Xander says.

He walks over and moves the sand. I grab Leo's arm and pull him out. I hug him and pat him on the back. He does the same and we release each other.

"I need you bro," I say. "Don't go dying on me."

"It's going to take a lot more than quick sand to kill this macho man," Leo says, puffing his chest out. Scarlett slugs him in the gut. "Oof!"

"Yeah so macho," Scarlett says.

Patricia and McKenna laugh.

"Okay enough," Leo says, recovering. "We need to figure out how to stop Sofia. Where's the prophecy?"

"She said she destroyed it," Scarlett says.

"That's baloney," Patricia says. "There's got to be some of it left. Xander, can you track anything?"

Xander closes his eyes and he points in a direction. "Something was burnt down that way. I detected lots of oxygen usage."

"Let's go then," Leo says. We all begin walking in that direction and after a while we see a building that was burnt. We look inside. "There's a person on the ground."

"Are they dead?" Xander asks. Scarlett and I give him a look. "What? It's an honest question!"

Leo walks in and over to the person. Judging by the look on his face, he knows this person.

"Leo, who is it?" I ask.

Leo turns and looks at us. "My mother."

Patricia drops her wand and runs over to Leo.

"How!? Sofia killed her a long time ago!" Patricia exclaims. "Wait. She's holding paper."

Patricia pulls the crumpled paper out of Mrs. Higgins's hand. She skims over it.

"What does it say?" I ask.

"'In order to defeat the indestructible being, and fulfill the prophecy, one must have representation from each kind- well we're screwed" Patricia reads. "But I'll continue. 'Water, electricity, fire, light, snow, and darkness must all unite to destroy the being. The - I can't read the rest."

Leo takes the paper.

"Okay well we don't have water or electricity," Leo says.

"I can be the water," Xander says. "I can use the hydrogen in the air and from the ground."

"We still need electricity," Scarlett says.

Leo gets an insane look on his face.

"Leo, no," I say. "Whatever it is, no."

"I haven't even said anything!" Leo exclaims.

"What is it Leo?" Patricia asks.

"We get Ember back," Leo says.

"How the heck are we supposed to do that?" Xander asks. "Someone will die." Patricia takes the paper from Leo and flips it over.

"No one will die," Leo says. "I'll make sure of it." He looks at all of us. "Are we in?"

"What's a Novus?" Patricia asks.

"What did you just say?" Scarlett asks. She and Xander exchange a look.

"Novus," Patricia says. "It says that Leo is one."

"That's the long lost kind," Xander says. "No one spoke about it because the Supremos slaughtered them for their powers."

"Guys! We don't have time to discuss what I am!" Leo exclaims. "Does it really matter?"

"Well you're the last living - okay it doesn't matter," Scarlett says. "How do we find Sofia?"

"What kind was she going to wipe out next?" I ask.

"Probably the Purificators," Patricia says. "Now that the dome is gone."

"Let's go then," Leo says.

We all grab arms and Scarlett teleports us back to Los Angeles shoreline.

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