Chapter 22: Ember's POV

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After I tell McKenna everything I know, I feel the darkness taking over again. My light magic wears off and McKenna runs off. I don't want to chase after her, but something inside of me tells me to. I go looking for her. I sense her hiding in the shadows, but I don't go after her. I wasn't told to go after her. My orders were to destroy the Occulites. I sneak to where Abigail and Aaron ran off. I see Xander trapped behind an ice wall and Abigail is twitching on the ground. She turns pale and stops. Xander yells in agony and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I see Sofia.

"It's time," Sofia says.

She teleports us in front of a building in the middle of the desert.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around.

"Australia," Sofia says. "The last known Novus is here."

"Novus? Is that the long lost kind?" I ask.

Sofia nods. She blasts the door down and storms in. I follow and I see my mother sitting in a chair.

"You!?" Sofia exclaims. "Callie!? I killed you!"

"You killed a figure of me," Callie says. "My husband knew you would kill me, so he warned me to run. He was afraid you'd expose what I really was."

I step out. Callie looks at me with shock. "Ember? I thought you died?" Callie asks.

"I brought her back," Sofia says. "She's a Supremo. The very thing that killed your kind before. She's here to finish the job so I can be indestructible. But how? You're a Purificator?"

"I am no Purificator," Callie says. "How do you think Leo has the blue flame?" She opens her hand and a blue flame appears. "Leo is no Blazer, he's a Novus."

Sofia sends ice at her, knocking her to the ground.

"Mom!" I exclaim.

Sofia shushes me. "YOU WILL DIE! EMBER! KILL HER!" Sofia yells.

Tears well up in my eyes and I lift my arms up. I control all of the powers and they surround Callie.

"I'm sorry mom," I say weakly.

Callie shakes and I spread my arms out. Callie lands with a thud, dead.

"Good girl Ember," Sofia says.

A light comes out from Callie. Sofia takes it inside of her. Sofia glows and I sense she becomes invincible. Sofia steps out of the house.

"Light it up. We can't risk the others finding out what Leo is or how to stop me," Sofia says.

I ignore my hand and set the building on fire. I see in the distance Leo and everyone else.

"They're here," I say. Sofia smirks.

We walk over to them and McKenna points at us and everyone turns.

"You're all too late," Sofia says. "I already found the prophecy and I destroyed it, just like how Ember is going to destroy you all right now. This time she's going to make sure you all stay dead. Xander, you're welcome to come back to the winning team. I know how much your kind LOVES to win."

"Over my dead body," Xander retorts.

"That can be arranged," Sofia says. She sends ice at him and it freezes him completely. "Kill them all, Ember. Especially those blasted Occulites."

I launch wind at all of them, knocking us all over. Sofia makes a wall of ice go around herself. They are unable to attack her.

"Xander! Can someone get that wall down!" Leo yells as he dodges a bolt from me.

I instead make the sand around his feet take him in. He tries to move his feet, but he notices himself sinking. I turned it into quicksand. He continues struggle to get out, but it only makes him sink faster. I want to make it stop but I can't.

"Leo stop struggling! You'll only sink faster!" Scarlett exclaims. "Just wait, I-"

I hit her with a sharp piece of iron.

"HEY!" Leo yells.
Jack steps in front of Scarlett and the mist keeps me away from Scarlett. Jack grabs Scarlett's arm and hoists her up.

"You hurt?" Jack asks.

"Minor," Scarlett answers.

"Protect Leo until we can get him out of there," Jack says to her.

Scarlett nods and creates an ice wall around them. Patricia and McKenna go and surround Sofia's ice wall.

"I'm going to go help Patricia and McKenna," Jack says. He goes over and he sends his green mist at it. Patricia sends light magic and McKenna sends dark magic at it. They try to bring it down.

I walk and surround Elysia and Aaron. Time to finish the plan. Jack, Patricia, and McKenna don't notice Aaron and Elysia getting beaten by me. I have them encircled in fire. They aren't attacking back. They are only creating shocks in their hands. I am weakening them.

"Why aren't my powers working?!" Elysia exclaims.

"I am weakening them," I say. I tilt my head and smirk like an insane person. The darkness tastes good. "Lights out!" I move the fire in closer in.

"Scarlett help them!" Leo exclaims.

Scarlett lowers the ice wall, but when she tries to send ice at me, she only makes little chunks of ice. Leo tries to make his sword, but only a little blue flame appears in his hand. I see the green mist disappear and Patricia's and McKenna's wands stop emitting light and dark magic.

"She's weakening our powers," Scarlett says.

The fire surrounds Elysia and Aaron completely. I allow the darkness to take me over. The fire is the only thing I see. The only thing I hear are the screams of Elysia and Aaron being burnt alive. Music to my ears.

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