Chapter 15: Elysia's POV

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I drop the force field when the gas goes away. "I'm going to kill Xander," I say. "McKenna. Open that portal back to America. I'm finding Xander and I'm killing him myself."

Abigail grabs my arm. "You're just upset. You don't actually mean that."

"We need to show him what he's doing is wrong!" I exclaim. "We need to show him that you moved on from him because he left us."

"What are you saying?" Abigail asks.

"Who's the one person Xander cannot stand?" I ask. "Leo. What if we show Xander that you moved on? Perhaps-"

"No! I mean Leo is very attractive - but no!" Abigail exclaims. "What will this even accomplish?"

I cross my arms. "Xander is blinded by power. If he sees he lost you, won't that change his mind?"

"Or he'll kill Leo," Abigail say. "I don't want that."

"He won't die," I say. "Come on, just trust me! Let's-"

I'm interrupted when scorching water comes and hits my arm. I yell in pain and see Ember, Xander, and Sofia standing there.

"Who won't die?" Sofia asks.

"Like we'd tell you," Aaron says.

He stands in front of me protectively while Abigail puts snow on the burn.

"Well I just came to finish the job," Sofia says. "I knew you two would survive the Pocionizer attack on the Occulites."

"You won't gain anything from killing us," I say.

"I actually will, it's one less kind that defies me," Sofia says. "I have the Pocionizers wrapped around my finger and the Crystalites are completely cut off. They have no idea what is happening."

"My parents will figure it out," Abigail says.

"Actually, they suspect nothing of me," Sofia says. "That's why it was so easy to trick them. Now time to take out the remaining Occulites."

"Wait! You said you'd spare Elysia!" Xander exclaims.

"I lied," Sofia says. "Besides, it's Abigail you truly care about, right?" Xander doesn't say anything. "Right. Ember, would you mind?"

Ember steps forward and is about to take my brother and I in a gas trap, but I electrocute her and she falls.

"RUN!" I yell.

McKenna, Abigail, Aaron, and I take off sprinting through the streets of Barcelona with Sofia and Xander following.

"Abigail! You and Aaron go left! McKenna and I will go right!" I yell.

"Is splitting up the best option!?" Abigail yells.

"YES!" I yell.

McKenna and I run to the right, but Ember appears in front of us. We stop abruptly. Xander and Sofia go after Abigail and Aaron.

"Ember, try to use your brain! This isn't you!" I exclaim.

She glares at me, her eyes glowing magenta. "You don't know me."

"I know you! This isn't you! Resist the evil!" McKenna exclaims.

Ember's gaze softens a little when she looks at McKenna. "I don't want to do this, but I don't have a choice."

"You always have a choice," McKenna says with her wand ready.

"She's controlling me," Ember says. She sends fire at us. "I can't stop myself!"

She continues to throw fire at us. I create an electrical shield and it stops Ember. We hear a scream from where Abigail and Aaron are.

"That sounded like Abigail," I say to McKenna as Ember tries to get past the shield.

"You go," McKenna says. "I'll hold her off."

"Can you do that?" I ask.

McKenna shrugs. "I have to try. Now!"

I drop the shield and McKenna sends dark magic at Ember. I take off running in the direction of the scream.

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