
"THAT!" I pointed at him with my index finger still blushing mad. How will I tell Sting about this? His probably hurt or something! But but's been 6 months ... "How will I tell the others!?"

"After this let's explain things to them, but when he's around we can pretend." He smirk crossing his arms as my face burned.

"No fucking way!"

"Yes fucking way, i won't let that guy rape you." He said dead seriously his smirk drop into a thin line.  "I know he's as strong as Gramps or one of the Spriggan 12, he's sly to... Do you intend to fall unto his traps?"

True to that, Ze-chan was almost killed by one of the 7 demonic mages is Leberthan, well he did exhaust his magic from beating the 6 and then Rin appeared defeating the 7th, the strongst. Then he started flirting with me, molest me and even trick me -_-. Love at first sight his ass.

I can beat those guys and him if I have my magic!

Wait... If I'm E.N.D. could I probably beat Laxus?

Huehuehihihi it's 100 percent sure!

He suddenly pinned me on the wall as I was blushing furiously, he held an amount of my rose like hair strands, kissing it. *gulp* "La-laxus?"

"Shhh, he's coming." He leaned his face closer to my ears as I could feel his hot breath. Then he kiss my neck I yelp due to the heat of his saliva as i tried to push him away. He even lick it, I gasp out of surprise.

"Laxus! Sto-stop it!" My voice is shacking, my face is burning red as my legs loss it's strength, it's feeling woobly and all and I don't like it.  He then pinch my legs causing me to let out a strangled moan as I tried to swallow my voice back. I hate this T.T

Damn this bastard! >///<

He then stood up properly stopping his game as I glance to where he's staring... Rin...

"Oh, do you wish for a game Mr. Dreyer?" Rin said with a scary threatening smile. That sent shivvers down my spines. He's scary... "I recalled that only Mr. Euscliff likes her."

So he still likes me?

I shrug the thought...

"Well, this girl is a blonde magnet..." Laxus kiss me cheeks as I want to run away. Blo-blonde magnet?

"Summer?" Ze-chan I love you!

"Ze-Fereznii!" I almost forgot our Romanzo names XD

"Let's go, the party won't start without you." He momentarily glared at Laxus and Rin, as the both of them shivvered, i myself felt scared. Zeref, is very over protective you see, how many guys has he send flying since then?

And as expected, strong mages were from left to right, I saw Gray first among the crown before I could see the others. I avoid both Rin and Laxus' gaze as I saw the mop of their ever familiar hair style.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome the owner of this hotel, Lord. Ferez de Granel and his dister Lady. Summer de Granel!" And again I almost forgot that my 2nd name is Summer, in Alvarez i'd be known as Reina, aside from it being an ancient word from 'queen' the first and last letter are 'R' and 'A' 'Ra' which means sun. Zeref repeatedly said that so I accidentally memorise it. Pff Sun Queen? Lol. Weird name.

I'd prefer great demon queen Dragneel!


Ouch... It hurts remembering that I'm E.N.D.

"Ferez-san shall we make this party more interesting?" Rin said with a tyrant's smile. I grew nervous to whatever his up to.

"What is it Dear Prince Rin." He is not dear, Zeref. Nor will he be...

The End of Me: (Fairy Tail Fem!Natsu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now