3. Friends and Foes

Start from the beginning

"Well, thanks. I had a heart attack for no reason." I whisper, wary of the vexed glances that people are tossing my way, probably for disturbing their peace and slumber.

"Awww. You were worried? About me? How cute." She squeals giddily, and my muscles stiffen. This is not genuine Paris. She's obviously trying to impress whoever she's with.

"Whatever. Bye, Paris." I say gruffly, and jam my phone deep inside the catacombs of my backpack.

"I'm going to assume you're new." A sheepish voice whispers in my ear, making me jump in place. My heart rate picks up, and I turn our, curious to see who could possibly think it's a good idea to scare me on a Monday morning. My eyes widen a fraction in surprise, as I take in the appearance of the person in the seat behind me.

She has short, cropped hair, lighter than the brightest yellow I've ever seen, and timid brown eyes. Her impish figure, sporting a laid back plaid shirt and shorts, suggests that she's not necessarily all that  bad.

"What makes you say that?" I whisper groggily, and rub the circles under my eyes. Thanks, four hours of sleep.

"It's a bad idea to talk on the bus, especially in the morning. These people are crazy when it comes to sleeping." She mouthes, almost without producing a sound, and looks around anxiously, as if she's waiting for something to attack. "Trust me on this."

"Thanks for the tip." I smile weakly, and shift around in my seat until we're face to face. "And yeah, I'm new. Joining this year."

"Cool. I'm Arabella." She grins, dwarfish, and raises a skinny hand in front of my face. I shake it with minimal effort, causing her arm to bounce back and forth in it's socket.

"I'm Jenny." I bubble happily, seeming as though I've just gained a friend, when 20 other kids send me death glares through bloodshot eyes and drooping lids, forcing me to retreat into my seat.

I feel my eyebrow start to twitch, and I immediately realize something's missing. Flawed.




I whip out my phone, and shoot her a text containing something along the lines of 'WHERE THE CRAP ARE YOU?!??!!??'.

In a scary amount of time, she responds.

'Dad wanted to drive me! So sorry I didn't tell you! I'll be coming home on the bus this afternoon, tho! :)'

'You better. I already made a friend. Her name is Arabella. You'd like her! Oh! Gotta go. The bus is pulling in now. Ttyl.'

'Okay! Bye.'

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░Once Upon A Dime░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

"Do you know what room... number 3 is, by any chance?" I glance down at the discolored paper beneath the pads of my fingers.

"Oh, sure. That's the band room! You play an instrument?" Arabella chats giddily, and gestures for me to follow her down a narrow hallway, filled to the brim with bustling students and guys in studded leather jackets.

"I guess... I play piano." I tap my lip unconsciously. "My dad's a piano tuner. He runs a music shop."

"That's so cool! My dad... doesn't really do anything. He's a Mr. Mom, if you ask me." She giggles childishly, and I laugh alongside her. What a thing to say about your parents!

"Here we are. Room 3." Arabella grasps the iron handle, and heaves the door open, exposing a wide selection of instruments on one side of the room, and on the other, a space filled with chairs and music stands.

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