Part 127

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Aubrey's POV Continued....

Bruno and I spent our entire Sunday cuddled up in our couch watching movies. We ordered pizza and wings for dinner because he said he didn't want me away from him long. Making dinner would mean I had to be in the kitchen and he wasn't having that today. "I just wanna hold you and be able to touch you every second of the day. Well, as many seconds of the day as possible" he had said just before he planted a sweet kiss on my lips. So we got our pizza and wings and continued watching movies together. In between movies we joked and laughed together. It was one of the best days we'd had at home together in a long time. We didn't even make it to the bed. When I work up Monday morning for work I was still on the couch with Bruno's arms wrapped around me. I slipped out of his arms carefully and went upstairs to shower and get dressed for work. When I came back downstairs Bruno wasn't on the couch anymore. "Bru, baby where are you?" - "In the kitchen sweetheart!" I walked in the kitchen and he was cutting up some fruit. "What are you doing awake?" I asked slowly walking towards him. He put the knife down and wiped his hands on a towel. He walked towards me too and wrapped his arms around me. "I thought you left. I went to kiss your head and you were gone. I got scared. I thought you were gone and that the last two days were a dream. When I looked around I realized it couldn't have been a dream but I needed to make sure you were here. So I ran upstairs and saw you were in the shower. I was relieved. Then I came back down here to cut you some fruit and make you a bagel so you could eat something quick before you left for work." - "Awww baby. I'm sorry. But I told you I won't ever leave you again. You have my word. Not like that. Okay?" - "Okay Aubrey" he said and kissed me. Then he hugged me tight and held me like that for minute. "You should eat. I don't want you to be late for work." - "Right. Thank you Bruno. Sit, you're gonna have some with me." I said to him. He smiled and said "I thought you might say that. That's why I cut extra fruit." He sat next to me and we both ate out of the same fruit bowl. I finished my bagel and checked my watch. "I have to brush my teeth again and get going baby." - "Okay Aubrey. I'll be here when you get home." He said and gave me another kiss. "You're not going to the studio?" - "No, not today. Phil's gonna drop by and we're gonna work on some things here today. I'll be home when you get back." - "Okay baby. I'll be back to get my goodbye kiss" I said and went to brush my teeth. When I came back downstairs Bruno was sitting on the couch with his guitar in hand, playing some strings. "That sounds really good" - "You think so?" He asked turning to face me. "I do. Does it have any lyrics yet?" - "I'm working on something. I'll probably run it by Phil today and maybe when you get home you can hear what we got?" - "Sounds good babe" I said with a smile. Then I walked over to kiss him. "I'll see you later babe. I love you." - "I love you too and I'll be here waiting when you get back" he said and gave me a tight hug. "You too little man. Be good for mommy today" he said talking to my belly. I laughed and kissed him again. "See you later Bruno." - "See you later my love."

[End Of POV]

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