Part 103

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The time was getting closer. I had text Jaime and the rest of the fam and told them to meet us at the restaurant. I was gonna pick Aubrey's parents up from the airport and Aubrey was gonna meet us all at the restaurant to maintain that this dinner was a surprise for her. When I arrived with her parents everyone was there except for Aubrey. We all sat down and waited for her. She text me when she was close and I went out to meet her. We took the little gift boxes out of her purse and handed them to the hostess at the restaurant and asked her if there was any way they could deliver them to the table before they served dinner. She agreed and then I walked Aubrey to the table. "Oh my gosh just about everyone is here!" Aubrey said as she walked up to the table. She said hello and hugged everyone making her way to her parents first. "I'm so glad you're here!" She said to them. We all took our seats and the waiter came to take our drink orders. Shortly after they came out and set one of the little gift boxes in front of everyone except Aubrey and I. Everyone looked around confused then the server announced "A gift from the Mr. and Mrs." then gestured towards us. We both looked at them with a smile and encourage them to open them. "This is the real reason we are all here tonight" I said. My mom and Aubrey's mom were the first to crack theirs open. They opened them almost at the same time. "OH MY GOODNESS!!" They both let out in unison looking at Aubrey and I with watery eyes. We didn't say anything and neither did they. We gave everyone a moment to open theirs and when all eyes were on us we both smiled at everyone and said "We're having a baby!!!!" Hugs were exchanged and congrats were given to us around the room. Everyone seemed to be just as excited as we were. I hoped these months would fly by so that we could hurry and meet our little bundle of joy. I couldn't wait to hold our precious baby in my arms. Dinner that night with the fam was amazing. It was like a little celebration for us. I just wished I had thought to get all of Aubrey's siblings out here along with her parents. It didn't seem complete to me without them. Although she didn't seem to mind. It was She was so happy....she was glowing. She had a smile plastered on her face the entire night and that made my heart so happy. Her happiness, was my happiness.

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