Part 106

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A couple of months later:

Its was now June 3rd, 2012. Today was the day that Aubrey and I would find out what we were having. I rushed out of the studio session I had just finished up with Phil to go home and pick Aubrey up. When I got there she was already waiting outside. I smiled as I pulled up to the house. The sight of her round belly with out little one growing inside her just melted my heart. My life seemed so perfect. I almost couldn't believe it was mine. Sometimes I worried if maybe I was too happy. I worried that something might go wrong and I would lose it all. I got lost in my thoughts until I heard Aubrey's voice coming from the window. "Bru, are you okay baby?" I shook my head and quickly opened my door to get out and ran around to get her door. "I'm perfect baby! Let's go find out what kind of little surprise we have in there" I said rubbing her belly with a smile then kissed her. We shared a passionate kiss and then she smiled up at me and hugged me before she got in the car. When we got to the doctor's office we didn't have to wait long. Dr. Johnson came in our room almost immediately after we entered. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez, I will be doing the ultrasound myself today. Are you excited to find out what your having?" - "Hell yeah!" I said immediately after she finished her sentence. They both laughed and Aubrey rubbed her belly, then took my hand in hers. "We are very excited Dr. Johnson." She said sofly looking at me with a big smile on her face. I kissed her cheek and rubbed her belly. Then moments later we were listening to the our little ones heartbeat while she searched to determine the sex of the baby.

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