Part 30

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After everyone left I went to the room with Chanel but she was alrady sleeping so I went back outside. I saw Aubrey was still sitting out there with Tiara. "What are y'all still doing out here?" - "Just finishing up our drinks. But I'm going to bed. I'll leave her with you" Tiara said and went inside. "Hey Brunz!" Aubrey said to me with a smile and took another sip of her drink. "Hey sweetheart! You good?" - "Yeah, I'm good. Why?" - "I'm just making sure. Presley said you got Tiara to play nice with Chanel. I don't know how you did it, but thank you!" I said and sat next to her. "It was nothing. We just kept busy all day. Tiara's not that bad Bruno. So where is Chanel? Shouldn't you be arguing with her? You should have told her I was coming you know." She said. "Well, fortunately for me she's sleeping. I know, you're right. I should have told her. But since she's sleeping I guess I have some more time before I have to argue with her" I said and laughed. "I guess so." she said. "Did you enjoy the show? What do you think about Hawaii so far?" - "I loved it. Hawaii is amazing. T took me to the beach earlier before the show. It was beautiful." - "You went to the beach without me? Unacceptable!" I said making her laugh. "I'm sorry Brunz" - "It's okay, I was joking. Hey, let's take a walk there now? You know I'm gonna have some kissing up to do tomorrow." - "Ha, yeah you are. Okay, let's go. But don't let me fall. I'm a little tipsy" she said stating the obvious. "Okay sweetheart, I got chu" I said and took her hand and we headed for the beach. We strolled along the the beach close enough for the waves to come in and touch our feet. "It's so beautiful out peaceful" she said. "I know. I love it here!" I said. She turned and faced me and said "Bruno, thank you for letting me be here. I know coming back here after making it was a big moment for you and I wanna thank you for letting me be apart of it. Especially knowing what you're gonna have to deal with tomorrow from Chanel. It means so much to me that you wanted me here!" she said and hugged me. "Hey, you don't have to thank me for that. I should be thanking you for being here. I mean yeah I have to deal with Chanel but I'm sure Alex wasn't thrilled about you coming here either." - "Yeah, I guess so" she said and reached down and splashed me in the face with some water catching me by surprise. She took off running and I yelled "Oh you're gonna pay for that" and ran after her. I caught up to her and picked her up and walked over into the ocean. She kicked and screamed the whole time making me laugh. We started splashing each other and laughing. Then suddenly she stopped and got out of the water without saying anything. I went after her. "Hey, what's wrong? What is it?" - "Nothing, I'm just tired." I knew she was lying but I didn't argue. "Okay, let's go then" I said and we walked back to the house.

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