Part 4

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I got back home and called Chanel and told her about the gig. I was really excited! "That's great babe! I'm happy for you!" she said "Yeah, I start tonight." - "Wow, that fast! That's good I guess!" - "It's great babe! I gotta go though. I'm gonna eat so I can get back there to get everything set up. Love you!" - "Love you too boo! Good luck!" She said and I hung up. I grabbed something to eat and back to the club I went. I walked in and there was Aubrey still at the bar where I left her. Except she was wearing a different outfit. "Hey you!" I said to her and she turned around and smiled. "Hey, you're back!" - "Yeah, thanks to you. Preeshiate chu" I said with a smile. "It was no biggie" she said and laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked her. "Nothing, just... 'Preeshiate chu' I like that. That was cute" she said and it made me blush. "You making fun of me?" I said and laughed with her. "No, I like it, its cute" she said again. "Well alright then, I better get to work before I screw up my first day" - "Yeah, please do" she says and flashes me her smile again. "Alright" I say and start to walk away but then I stop. I turn back to face her. "Hey Aubrey?" - "Yeah?" - "You look nice. That's all" I say and she smiles a surprised smile. "Oh, thanks! Not looking too shabby yourself!" She says and turns back around. I turn around too and walk to the DJ stand with a dumb smirk on my face and I don't even know why.

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