Part 29

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The show was a success. Afterwards everyone went back to moms to celebrate. Chanel was mad at me but she was playing it cool for everyone. I knew I was in big trouble later. I was looking around for Aubrey but I didn't see her. I hadn't seen her since I saw her face in the crowd at the show. I noticed that Tiara was missing too and I knew they would be together. Presley walked by and I stopped her. "Pres, hey baby sis, have you seen Tiara?" - "Yeah, her and Aubrey are inside. They said they'd be out here in a little bit. You need to Thank Aubrey by the way. She's had Tiara playing nice with Chanel all day" she said. "Thanks Pres. I will." I said and she walked away. Shortly after that I saw her and Tiara walk out and signaled Aubrey over. "What's up Brunz?" She asked. "Where you been hiding? I want you to meet the guys" - "Oh I'm sorry. I was trying to give you some space because of you know who" - "Why don't you let me worry about that" I said to her and she nodded in agreement. Then I walked her over to the guys. "Hey guys, this is Aubrey" I said and they all introduced themselves. Except Phil, she had already met him a couple times before. "Hey Aubrey, haven't seen you in a while" he said to her and hugged her. "Hey Phil! It has been quite some time" she said returning his hug. The remainder of the night she and Tiara spent it hanging out us. Chanel wasn't very pleased. "Bruno I'm going to bed" she said. "Okay baby. I'll be in there soon. I love you." - "You're not coming?" - "Nah baby, we celebrating. I'll be in there in a minute" I said and she stormed inside. I wasn't in a rush to go argue. I got up and sat next to Aubrey and we all laughed it up the rest of the night.

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